Research Group

Kinship Inequalities

At a Glance Projects Publications Team


Global Projections of Kinship Structure and Kin Availability

Diego Alburez-Gutierrez, Bettina Maria Hünteler

The project produces country-level projections of kinship networks. These will help scholars and policy-makers determine the degree to which individuals will have access to kinship resources (provided by siblings, cousins, grandparents, and other kin) in the future.  Detailed Description

Average number of living grandparents for a female newborn living in China

Average number of living grandparents for a female newborn in China. Estimated using formal kinship models and data from the 2022 Revision of the United Nations World Population Prospects. Values after 2022 are based on individual probabilistic demographic trajectories. [Unpublished] © MPIDR

Research Keywords:

Aging, Mortality and Longevity, Demographic Change, Intergenerational Relationships, Projections and Forecasting, Statistics and Mathematics

Region keywords:



Hünteler , B. M.; Polizzi, A.; van Raalte, A. A.:
SocArxiv papers. (2024)    
Schlüter , B.-S.; Alburez-Gutierrez, D.; Bibbins-Domingo, K.; Alexander, M. J.; Kiang, M. V.:
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association. (2024)
Alburez-Gutierrez, D.; Williams, I.; Caswell, H.:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120:52, e2315722120–e2315722120. (2023)    
Alburez-Gutierrez, D.; Williams, I.; Caswell, H.:
SocArxiv papers. unpublished. (2023)    
Theile, T.; Alburez-Gutierrez, D.; Calderón-Bernal, L. P.; Snyder, M.; Zagheni, E.:
Software. GitHub. unpublished. (2023)
Williams, I.; Alburez-Gutierrez, D.; Song, X.; Caswell, H.:
Software. CRAN. unpublished. (2021)
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.