Class Order/Family |
Genus/Species/Sub-species | Common Name | Capt. | M/F | Reference |
Amphibia | |||||
Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma macrodactylum krausei | Eastern long-toed salamander | 5.1 | x | [2] |
Ambystoma macrodactylum sigillatum | Southern long-toed salamander | 5.1 | x | [2] | |
Ambystoma maculatum | Spotted salamander | 25.0 | x | [7] | |
Ambystoma opacum | Marbled salamander | 3.5 | x | [2] | |
Ambystoma opacum | Marbled salamander | 4.0 | x | [8] | |
Ambystoma ordinarium | Puerto Hondo stream salamander | 2.0 | x | [2] | |
Ambystoma talpoideum | Mole salamander | 2.3 | x | [2] | |
Ambystoma texanum | Smallmouth salamander | 5.3 | x | [2] | |
Ambystoma tigrinum | Tiger salamander | 10.3 | x | [2] | |
Ambystoma tigrinum | Tiger salamander | 25.0 | x | [8] | |
Rhyacotriton olympicus olympicus | Olympic salamander | 2.7 | m | [2] | |
Amphiumidae | Amphiuma means | Two-toed amphium | 14.6 | x | [2] |
Amphiuma means | Two-toed amphium | 27.0 | x | [7] | |
Amphiuma tridactylum | Three-toed amphium | 12.3 | x | [2] | |
Atelopodidae | Atelopus varius zeteki | Veragoa stubfoot toad | 0.8 | x | [2] |
Bufonidae | Bufo alvarius | Colorado river toad | 9.2 | x | [2] |
Bufo americanus | American toad | 4.7 | x | [2] | |
Bufo americanus | American toad | 30.0 | x | [8] | |
Bufo americanus | American toad | 5.0 | x | [10] | |
Bufo blombergi | Colombian giant toad | 10.8 | m | [2] | |
Bufo boreas | Western toad | 6.0 | x | [2] | |
Bufo bufo | Common European toad | 36.0 | x | [7] | |
Bufo debilis insidior | Green toad | 3.2 | x | [2] | |
Bufo luetkeni | Yellow toad | 9.9 | x | [2] | |
Bufo marinus | Marine toad | 8.0 | f | [2] | |
Bufo mazatlanensis | Sinaloa toad | 3.8 | x | [2] | |
Bufo paracnemis | Eurura toad | 10.3 | x | [2] | |
Bufo peltacephus | 12.7 | x | [2] | ||
Bufo punctatus | Red-spotted toad | 4.1 | m | [2] | |
Bufo quercicus | Oak toad | 1.9 | x | [2] | |
Bufo retiformis | Sonoran green toad | 2.9 | x | [2] | |
Bufo speciosus | Texas toad | 3.9 | x | [2] | |
Bufo viridis | European green toad | 3.0 | x | [2] | |
Bufo woodhousei fowleri | Woodhouse toad | 2.4 | x | [2] | |
Caecilidae | Dermorphis mexicanus mexicanus | Mexican caecilian | 2.1 | f | [2] |
Cryptobranchidae | Andrias diavidianus | Chinese giant salamander | 4.2 | x | [2] |
Andrias japonicus | Japanese giant salamander | 16.8 | x | [2] | |
Andrias japonicus | Japanese giant salamander | 55.0 | x | [7] | |
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis | Eastern hellbender | 6.0 | x | [2] | |
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis | Eastern hellbender | 25.0 | x | [10] | |
Dendrobatidae | Dendrobates auratus | Green and black poison frog | 8.3 | x | [2] |
Dendrobates pumilio | Strawberry poison frog | 1.8 | x | [2] | |
Discoglossidae | Bombina bombina | Firebelly toad | 5.8 | m | [2] |
Bombina bombina | Firebelly toad | 20.0 | x | [7] | |
Bombina orientalis | Oriental firebelly toad | 2.3 | x | [2] | |
Hylidae | Agalychnis litodryas | Pink-sided leaf frog | 3.5 | x | [2] |
Diaglena spatula | 7.3 | x | [2] | ||
Hyla avivoca | Bird-voiced treefrog | 2.5 | x | [2] | |
Hyla chrysoscelis | Gray treefrog | 2.5 | m | [2] | |
Hyla cinerea | Green treefrog | 6.2 | x | [2] | |
Hyla crepitans | Emerald-eyed treefrog | 4.9 | x | [2] | |
Hyla femoralis | Pine woods treefrog | 2.5 | m | [2] | |
Hyla gabbi | 2.3 | x | [2] | ||
Hyla gratiosa | Barking treefrog | 7.2 | x | [2] | |
Hyla microcephala | Yellow treefrog | 2.9 | x | [2] | |
Hyla pellucens | Palmar treefrog | 3.5 | x | [2] | |
Hyla quinquefasciata | 3.5 | x | [2] | ||
Hyla rosenbergi | Rosenberg’s treefrog | 3.5 | m | [2] | |
Hyla septentrionalis | 12.9 | f | [2] | ||
Hyla vasta | Hispaniola treefrog | 5.1 | m | [2] | |
Pachymedusa dacnicolor | Mexican leaf frog | 7.5 | f | [2] | |
Phrynohyas hebes | 5.7 | x | [2] | ||
Pternohyla fodiens | Northern casque-headed frog | 5.1 | x | [2] | |
Smilisca baudini baudini | Mexican treefrog | 5.2 | x | [2] | |
Smilisca phaeota | 3.5 | x | [2] | ||
Trachycephalus jordani | Jordan’s casque-headed treefrog | 3.5 | x | [2] | |
Triprion spatulatus reticulatus | Shovel-headed treefrog | 8.8 | x | [2] | |
Hynobiidae | Hynobius boulengeri | Boulenger’s oriental salamander | 5.3 | m | [2] |
Leptodactylidae | Ceratophrys calcarata | Colombian horned frog | 10.8 | m | [2] |
Ceratophrys cornuta | Surinam horned frog | 10.3 | f | [2] | |
Ceratophrys ornata | Ornate horned frog | 11.3 | f | [2] | |
Leptodactylus pentadactylus | Tungara frog | 15.7 | x | [2] | |
Leptodactylus pentadactylus | S. American bullfrog | 12.0 | x | [7] | |
Physalaemus pustulosus | 7.4 | x | [2] | ||
Microhylidae | Gastrophryne carolinensis | Eastern narrow-mouthed toad | 6.1 | x | [2] |
Gastrophryne carolinensis | Eastern narrow-mouthed toad | 6.0 | x | [7] | |
Kaloula pulchra | Malaysian narrowmouth toad | 6.0 | x | [7] | |
Koula pulchra | 7.9 | x | [2] | ||
Necturidae | Necturus punctatus | Dwarf waterdog | 4.5 | x | [2] |
Pelobatidae | Pelobates fuscus | Common Eurasian spadefoot toad | 11.0 | x | [7] |
Scaphiopus couchi | Couch spadefoot toad | 3.3 | x | [2] | |
Scaphiopus holbrooki holbrooki | Eastern spadefoot toad | 12.3 | x | [2] | |
Pelodryadidae | Litoria caerulea | White’s treefrog | 8.5 | x | [2] |
Litoria caerulea | White’s treefrog | 16.0 | x | [7] | |
Pipidae | Pipa pipa | Surinam toad | 6.8 | x | [2] |
Xenopus laevis | African clawed frog | 8.8 | x | [2] | |
Xenopus laevis | African clawed frog | 15.0 | x | [7] | |
Plethodontidae | Bolitoglossa subpalmata | La Palma salamander | 1.9 | x | [2] |
Desmognathus aeneus | Seepage salamander | 4.0 | x | [2] | |
Desmognathus auriculatus | Southern dusky salamander | 3.8 | x | [2] | |
Desmognathus ochrophaeus | Mountain dusky salamander | 5.3 | x | [2] | |
Desmognathus quandramaculatus | Blackbelly salamander | 10.3 | x | [10] | |
Desmognathus welteri | Black mountain salamander | 5.4 | x | [2] | |
Ensatina eschscholtzi croceater | Yellow-blotched salamander | 3.3 | m | [2] | |
Ensatina eschscholtzi klauberi | Large-blotched salamander | 4.3 | x | [2] | |
Ensatina eschscholtzi oregonensis | Oregon salamander | 4.5 | x | [2] | |
Eurycea longicauda guttolineata | Three-lined salamander | 5.0 | x | [2] | |
Eurycea longicauda longicauda | Long-tailed salamander | 4.7 | x | [2] | |
Eurycea wilderae | Blue Ridge two-lined salamander | 8.0 | x | [10] | |
Gyrinophilus palleucus | Tennessee cave salamander | 3.9 | x | [2] | |
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus danielsi | Blue Ridge spring salamander | 2.9 | x | [2] | |
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus porphyriticus | Northern spring salamander | 4.8 | x | [2] | |
Haideotriton wallacei | Georgia blind salamander | 1.7 | x | [2] | |
Hemidactylium scutatum | Four-toed salamander | 5.5 | f | [2] | |
Phaeognathus hubrichti | Red Hills salamander | 5.1 | x | [2] | |
Plethodon elongatus | Del Norte salamander | 4.5 | x | [2] | |
Plethodon glutinosus | Northern slimy salamander | 5.5 | x | [2] | |
Plethodon jordani | Jordan’s salamander | 5.3 | x | [2] | |
Plethodon longicrus | 5.2 | x | [2] | ||
Plethodon vehiculum | Western red-backed salamander | 4.6 | x | [2] | |
Pseudotriton montanus diastictus | Midland mud salamander | 5.5 | x | [2] | |
Pseudotriton ruber ruber | Northern red salamander | 5.5 | m | [2] | |
Pseudotriton ruber schencki | Blackchin red salamander | 5.4 | m | [2] | |
Pseudotriton ruber vioscai | Southern red salamander | 2.5 | x | [2] | |
Typhloriton spelaeus | Grotto salamander | 5.3 | x | [2] | |
Proteidae | Proteus anquinus | Olm | 3.1 | m | [2] |
Proteus anquinus | Olm | 15.0 | x | [7] | |
Ranidae | Mantella aurantiaca | Golden frog | 3.7 | f | [2] |
Rana adspera | 8.6 | x | [2] | ||
Rana catesbeiana | Bullfrog | 6.6 | m | [2] | |
Rana catesbeiana | Bullfrog | 16.0 | x | [7] | |
Rana catesbeiana | Bullfrog | 8.0 | x | [10] | |
Rana occipitalis | 10.9 | x | [2] | ||
Salamandridae | Cynops pyrrhogaster | Japanese firebelly newt | 25.0 | x | [7] |
Notophthalmus perstriatus | Striped newt | 12.9 | m | [2] | |
Notophthalmus viridescens | Eastern or red-spotted newt | 15.0 | x | [8] | |
Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens | Eastern or red-spotted newt | 3.1 | x | [2] | |
Pleurodeles walti | Spanish ribbed newt | 10.3 | x | [2] | |
Salamandra salamandra terrestris | European fire salamander | 6.0 | m | [2] | |
Triturus alpestris | Laureutis alpine salamander | 3.1 | x | [2] | |
Triturus cristatus | Northern crested newt | 4.0 | x | [2] | |
Triturus pyrrhogaster | 4.4 | x | [2] | ||
Trylototriton verrucosus | Crocodile newt | 5.3 | x | [2] | |
Sirenidae | Siren intermedia | Eastern lesser siren | 6.3 | x | [2] |
Siren lacertina | Greater siren | 14.8 | f | [2] | |
Siren lacertina | Greater siren | 25.0 | x | [7] | |
Typholnectidae | Typhlonectes compressicauda | Cayenne caecilian | 4.9 | x | [2] |
Reptilia | |||||
Acrochordidae | Acrochordus javanicus | Java file snake | 5.8 | x | [2] |
Agamidae | Agama colonorum | West African spinous lizard | 1.3 | x | [5] |
Agama hartmanni | Hartmann’s Sudan lizard | 1.2 | x | [5] | |
Agama mutabilis | Egyptian changeable lizard | 2.8 | x | [5] | |
Agama pallida | Egyptian pale lizard | 1.8 | x | [5] | |
Agama savignyi | Savigny’s Egyptian judge-of-the-desert | 2.5 | x | [5] | |
Agama stellio | 2.3 | f | [2] | ||
Agama stellio | Levant starred lizard | 4.1 | x | [5] | |
Amphibolurus barbatus | 9.9 | m | [2] | ||
Amphibolurus nobbi | Nobbi | 2.2 | f | [2] | |
Calotes emma | East Indian emma lizard | 0.7 | x | [5] | |
Calotes versicolor | Indian changeable lizard | 1.5 | x | [5] | |
Chlamydosaurus kingi | Filled dragon | 6.3 | x | [2] | |
Hydrosaurus amboinensis | 3.5 | m | [2] | ||
Leiolepis belliana | Butterfly lizard | 5.6 | f | [2] | |
Lyriocephalus scutatus | Ceylonese knob-nosed lizard | 3.5 | x | [5] | |
Physignathus cocincinus | Water dragon | 2.8 | f | [2] | |
Physignathus leusueri | Australian water lizard | 4.1 | x | [5] | |
Physignathus leusueri | Eastern water dragon | 7.5 | x | [2] | |
Physignathus leusueri | Eastern water dragon | 6.0 | x | [7] | |
Uromastix acanthinurus | N. African spiny dabb lizard | 11.4 | x | [5] | |
Uromastix aegyptius | Egyptian dabb lizard | 11.4 | x | [5] | |
Alligatoridae | Alligator mississippiensis | American alligator | 47.8 | x | [2] |
Alligator mississippiensis | American alligator | 56.0 | x | [7] | |
Alligator mississippiensis | American alligator | 34.8 | f | [5] | |
Alligator sinensis | Chinese alligator | 27.1 | x | [5] | |
Alligator sinensis | Chinese alligator | 38.1 | m/f | [2] | |
Caimen crocodilus | Narrow-snouted spectacled caiman | 21.9 | x | [2] | |
Caimen latirostris | Broad-nosed caiman | 22.0 | f | [2] | |
Caiman latirostris | S. American broad-snouted caiman | 8.3 | x | [5] | |
Caiman palpebrosus | Brazilian musky caiman | 5.8 | x | [5] | |
Caiman sclerops | American rough eyed caiman | 3.4 | x | [5] | |
Melanosuchus niger | Black caiman | 13.1 | m | [2] | |
Paleosuchus palpebrosus | Dwarf caiman | 2.4 | f | [2] | |
Paleosuchus trigonatus | Smooth-fronted caiman | 16.3 | x | [2] | |
Amphisbaenidae | Amphisbaena alba | Red worm lizard | 13.3 | f | [2] |
Amphisbaena alba | American white amphisbaena | 1.8 | x | [5] | |
Amphisbaena braziliana | Brazilian amphisbaena | 1.2 | x | [5] | |
Amphisbaena darwini | Darwin’s S. American amphisbaena | 0.2 | x | [5] | |
Blanus cinereus | Spanish grey amphisbaena | 0.7 | x | [5] | |
Lepidosternon microcephalum | Brazilian small-headed amphisbaena | 0.2 | x | [5] | |
Lepidosternon scutigerum | Brazilian shield-bearing amphisbaena | 0.9 | x | [5] | |
Anguidae | Anguis fragilis | Slowworm | 3.0 | x | [5] |
Anguis fragilis | Slowworm | 8.3 | x | [2] | |
Anguis fragilis | Slowworm | 54.0 | x | [3] [7] | |
Gerrhonotus caeruleus | American blue lizard | 2.3 | x | [5] | |
Gerrhonotus liocephus infernalis | Texas alligator lizard | 3.5 | x | [2] | |
Gerrhonotus multicarinatus | Southern alligator lizard | 5.2 | x | [2] | |
Ophisaurus apodus | Armored glass lizard | 17.0 | x | [2] | |
Ophisaurus apus | Palaearctic Scheltopusik limbless lizard or glass snake | 10.7 | x | [5] | |
Ophisaurus koellikeri | Koeliker’s glass lizard | 9.3 | x | [2] | |
Ophisaurus ventralis | Eastern glass lizard | 3.8 | x | [2] | |
Bipedidae | Bipes biporus | Mole lizard | 3.3 | x | [2] |
Boidae | Acrantophis | Madagascar boa | 8.6 | m | [2] |
Aspidites melanocephalus | Black-headed python | 7.2 | x | [2] | |
Boa constrictor amarali | Boa constrictor | 15.6 | x | [2] | |
Boa constrictor constrictor | Common boa constrictor | 38.8 | f | [2] | |
Boa constrictor | American boa constrictor | 13.3 | x | [5] | |
Boa constrictor imperator | Albino boa constrictor | 29.1 | f | [2] | |
Boa constrictor ortoni | Boa constrictor | 11.9 | m | [2] | |
Boa madagascariensis | Madagascar boa | 19.4 | x | [5] | |
Calabaria reinhardti | West African ground-python | 0.5 | x | [5] | |
Candoia aspera | New Guinea viper boa | 5.9 | f | [2] | |
Charina bottae bottae | Rubber boa | 11.4 | x | [2] | |
Chondropython viridis | Green tree python | 15.1 | f | [2] | |
Corallus annulatus | Annulated boa | 12.3 | x | [2] | |
Corallus caninus | Emerald tree-boa | 15.4 | f | [2] | |
Corallus enydris cooki | Amazon tree-boa | 12.3 | f | [2] | |
Corallus enydris enydris | Amazon tree-boa | 15.4 | x | [2] | |
Corallus cookii | Cook’s American tree-boa | 3.3 | x | [5] | |
Corallus madagascariensis | Madagascar tree-boa (+) | 11.5 | x | [5] | |
Epicrates angulifer | Cuban boa | 14.3 | f | [2] | |
Epicrates angulifer | Cuban pale-headed tree-boa | 8.6 | x | [5] | |
Epicrates cenchria cenchria | Common rainbow boa | 10.3 | x | [2] | |
Epicrates cenchria crassus | Rainbow boa | 16.9 | f | [2] | |
Epicrates cenchria maurus | Rainbow boa | 27.3 | x | [2] | |
Epicrates cenchria | American thick-necked tree-boa | 5.5 | x | [5] | |
Epicrates inornatus | West Indian yellow tree-boa | 14.4 | x | [5] | |
Epicrates inornatus fordi | Puerto Rican boa | 7.5 | m | [2] | |
Epicrates striatus fosteri | Haitian boa | 10.9 | f | [2] | |
Epicratus striatus ssp. | Haitian boa | 22.1 | m | [2] | |
Epicratus subflavus | Jamaica boa | 9.8 | x | [2] | |
Eryx colubrinus | Kenya sand-boa | 10.4 | x | [2] | |
Eryx conicus | Rough-scaled sand-boa | 14.4 | f | [2] | |
Eryx jaculus | Caucasian sand-boa | 18.3 | f | [2] | |
Eryx jaculus | Egyptian sand-boa (+) | 13.5 | x | [5] | |
Eryx johnii | John’s Indian sand-boa (+) | 13.0 | x | [5] | |
Eryx johnii | John’s sand-boa | 19.5 | x | [2] | |
Eryx muelleri | Mueller’s N. African sand-boa | 2.5 | x | [5] | |
Eryx tataricus | Tartar sand-boa | 8.3 | x | [2] | |
Eryx thebaibus | Theban sand-boa | 3.1 | x | [5] | |
Eunectes barbouri | Barbour’s anaconda | 19.5 | f | [2] | |
Eunectes deschauenseei | Dark-spotted anaconda | 8.3 | f | [2] | |
Eunectes murinus | American anaconda | 8.0 | x | [5] | |
Eunectes murinus | Green anaconda | 13.9 | x | [2] | |
Eunectes murinus | Green anaconda | 29.0 | x | [7] | |
Eunectes notaeus | Paraguayan anaconda | 3.4 | x | [5] | |
Liasis amethystinus kinghorni | 13.8 | x | [2] | ||
Liasis childreni | 9.8 | x | [2] | ||
Liasis fuscus fuscus | Common brown water python | 10.2 | x | [2] | |
Liasis fuscus ssp. | Brown water python | 18.7 | f | [2] | |
Liasis mackloti mackloti | Macklot’s python | 6.3 | x | [2] | |
Lichanura trivirgata roseofusca | Coastal rosy boa | 18.6 | x | [2] | |
Loxocemus bicolor | Mexican burrowing python | 32.8 | m | [2] | |
Morelia argus argus | 9.3 | f | [2] | ||
Morelia argus variegata | 12.8 | m | [2] | ||
Python curtus curtus | Short-tailed python | 27.8 | f | [2] | |
Python molurus bivittatus | Albino or heterozygous Burmese python | 28.3 | f | [2] | |
Python molurus molururs | Indian python | 34.2 | m | [2] | |
Python molurus | Indian python or rock-python | 15.8 | x | [5] | |
Python regius | African royal python | 8.7 | x | [5] | |
Python regius | Ball python | 30.5 | m | [2] | |
Python reticulatus | Reticulate python | 25.3 | m | [2] | |
Python reticulatus | East Indian reticulated python | 21.3 | x | [5] | |
Python sebae | African python | 27.3 | f | [2] | |
Python sebae | African python | 18.0 | x | [5] | |
Python spilotes | Australian diamond-python | 4.3 | x | [5] | |
Sanzinia madagascariensis | Madagascar tree-boa | 8.0 | x | [2] | |
Tropidophis canus curtus | Great Inagua Island dwarf boa | 4.0 | m | [2] | |
Tropidophis caymanensis parkeri | Cayman Islands dwarf boa | 8.7 | x | [2] | |
Ungaliophis continentalis | Isthmian dwarf boa | 17.7 | x | [2] | |
Carettochelyidae | Carettochelys insculpta | Pignose turtle | 17.3 | f | [2] |
Chamaeleonidae | Chamaeleo basiliscus | N. African basilisk chameleon | 1.8 | x | [5] |
Chamaeleo pumilus | 3.4 | x | [5] | ||
Chamaeleo chamaeleon | Common chameleon | 1.0 | f | [2] | |
Chamaeleo jacksoni | Jacson’s chameleon | 1.0 | f | [2] | |
Chamaeleo melleri | Meller’s chameleon | 1.0 | f | [2] | |
Chelidae | Batrachemys dahli | 4.9 | m | [2] | |
Batrachemys nasuta | 13.5 | f | [2] | ||
Chelodina longicollis | Common snakeneck turtle | 35.1 | x | [2] | |
Chelodina longicollis | Common snakeneck turtle | 37.0 | x | [7] | |
Chelodina oblonga | Narrow-breasted snakeneck turtle | 4.4 | m | [2] | |
Chelodina longicollis | Australian long-necked terrapin | 7.2 | x | [5] | |
Chelus fimbriata | S. American matamata terrapin | 6.0 | x | [5] | |
Chelus fimbriata | 16.2 | m | [2] | ||
Emydura latisternum | Australian broad-breasted terrapin | 5.8 | x | [5] | |
Hydromedusa maximiliani | Maximilian’s Brazilian terrapin | 11.8 | x | [5] | |
Hydromedusa tectifera | S. American snakeneck turtle | 8.8 | f | [2] | |
Mesoclemmys gibba | 6.3 | x | [2] | ||
Phrynops geoffroanus hilairi | Geoffrey’s sideneck turtle | 34.8 | f | [2] | |
Platemys platycephala | Twistneck turtle | 19.7 | f | [2] | |
Platemys spixii | Spix’s Brazilian terrapin | 8.2 | x | [5] | |
Cheloniidae | Caretta caretta | Loggerhead turtle | 33.0 | x | [7] |
Lepidochelys kempi | Atlantic ridley | 3.6 | f | [2] | |
Hydraspis geoffroyana | Geoffroy’s Brazilian terrapin | 7.5 | x | [5] | |
Hydraspis hilarii | St. Hilaire’s S. American terrapin | 13.8 | x | [5] | |
Chelydridae | Chelydra serpentina | N. American alligator terrapin | 17.8 | x | [5] |
Chelydra serpentina rossignoni | Snapping turtle | 23.2 | x | [2] | |
Chelydra serpentina serpentina | Common snapping turtle | 38.7 | x | [2] | |
Chelydra serpentina serpentina | Common snapping turtle | 47.0 | x | [8] | |
Macroclemys temminckii | N. American snapping turtle | 5.3 | x | [5] | |
Macroclemys temmincki | Alligator snapping turtle | 58.8 | m | [2] | |
Macroclemys temmincki | Alligator snapping turtle | 59.0 | x | [7] | |
Cinosternidae | Cinosternum cruentatum | Central American gory mud terrapin | 6.8 | x | [5] |
Cinosternum leucostomum | American white-mouthed mud terrapin | 17.7 | x | [5] | |
Cinosternum odoratum | N. American stink-pot mud terrapin | 22.6 | x | [5] | |
Cinosternum pennsylvanicum | Pennsylvania mud terrapin | 7.1 | x | [5] | |
Cinosternum scorpioides | S. American scorpion mud terrapin | 8.2 | x | [5] | |
Colubridae | Ablabophis rufulus | S. African rufous snake | 4.3 | x | [5] |
Acrochordus javanicus | E. Indian water-elephant snake | 4.1 | x | [5] | |
Ahaeteulla tristis | 4.3 | f | [2] | ||
Alsophis portoricensis | Puerto Rican pacer | 2.0 | x | [2] | |
Arizona elegans noctivaga | Glossy snake | 12.2 | x | [2] | |
Arizona elegans occidentalis | California glossy snake | 10.1 | m | [2] | |
Boaedon fuliginosus | 7.0 | f | [2] | ||
Boiga blandingi | Blanding’s cat snake | 8.8 | f | [2] | |
Boiga cynodon | Dog-tooth cat snake | 9.1 | m | [2] | |
Boiga dendrophila | Mangrove snake | 13.0 | x | [2] | |
Boiga irregularis | Brown tree snake | 9.3 | m | [2] | |
Boiga trigonata | Indian gamma snake | 8.2 | x | [2] | |
Boodon lineatus | African lineated snake | 3.6 | x | [5] | |
Chilomeniscus cinctus | Banded sand snake | 4.0 | x | [2] | |
Chrysopelea ornata | Golden treesnake | 4.3 | x | [2] | |
Clelia clelia | Mussarana | 11.5 | m | [2] | |
Coelopeltis moilensis | Moila snake | 0.5 | x | [5] | |
Coelopeltis monspessulana | Paearctic montpellier | 1.8 | x | [5] | |
Coluber corais couperi | American corais snake | 3.9 | x | [5] | |
Coluber guttatus | N. American corn-snake | 3.3 | x | [5] | |
Coluber longissimus | European aesculapian snake | 3.9 | x | [5] | |
Coluber quatuorlineatus | European four-lined snake | 4.6 | x | [5] | |
Conophis vittatus vittatus | Striped road guarder | 2.1 | x | [2] | |
Coronella austriaca | European smooth snake | 1.3 | x | [5] | |
Coronella getula | N. American king snake | 3.8 | x | [5] | |
Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia | Herald snake | 2.3 | f | [2] | |
Cyclagras gigas | 16.8 | f | [2] | ||
Dasypeltis atra | African egg-eating snake | 5.2 | f | [2] | |
Dasypeltis medici | East African egg-eating snake | 4.0 | f | [2] | |
Dasypeltis scabra | African egg-eating snake | 13.6 | x | [2] | |
Dasypeltis scabra | African rough-keeled snake | 3.8 | x | [5] | |
Dendraspis viridis | Tropical African green treesnake | 3.8 | x | [5] | |
Dendrophis punctulatus | Australian punctulated treesnake | 3.1 | x | [5] | |
Dinodon rufozonatum | Red barded snake | 13.7 | f | [2] | |
Dispholidus typhus | Boomslang | 8.7 | m | [2] | |
Drymarchon corais corais | Common indigo snake | 5.1 | x | [2] | |
Drymarchon corais couperi | Eastern indigo snake | 25.9 | x | [2] | |
Drymarchon corais couperi | Eastern indigo snake | 25.0 | x | [7] | |
Drymarchon corais melanurus | Indigo snake | 9.0 | f | [2] | |
Drymarchon corais rubidus | Indigo snake | 11.6 | x | [2] | |
Drymobius margaritiferus margaritiferus | Speckled racer | 4.3 | f | [2] | |
Dryophis mycterizans | Indian long-snouted treesnake | 2.4 | x | [5] | |
Elaphe climacophora | Japanese rat snake | 12.0 | m | [2] | |
Elaphe flavirufa | Yellow-red rat snake | 7.8 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe guttata emoryi | Great plains rat snake | 21.1 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe guttata guttata | Corn snake | 21.8 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe longissima | Aesculapian rat snake | 3.2 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe obsoleta bairdi | Rat snake | 9.4 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri | Texas rat snake | 7.0 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta | Black rat snake | 20.1 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata | Yellow rat snake | 17.1 | m | [2] | |
Elaphe obsoleta spiloides | Gray rat snake | 13.9 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe oxycephala | 5.4 | f | [2] | ||
Elaphe quadrivirgata | Japanese four-lined rat snake | 16.8 | f | [2] | |
Elaphe quatuorlineata | Four-lined rat snake | 5.2 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe situla | European leopard snake | 23.0 | x | [7] | |
Elaphe subocularis | Trans-pecos rat snake | 13.8 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe taeniura | Taipan beauty snake | 9.7 | x | [2] | |
Elaphe triaspis intermedia | Western green rat snake | 9.5 | f | [2] | |
Elaphe vulpina gloydi | Eastern fox snake | 7.4 | f | [2] | |
Elaps lemniscatus | S. American checkered snake | 10.0 | x | [5] | |
Enhydris chinensis | Chinese water snake | 4.2 | f | [2] | |
Farancia abacura reinwardti | Western mud snake | 18.0 | f | [2] | |
Helicops angulatus | S. American angulated snake | 3.0 | x | [5] | |
Herpetodryas carinatus | American carinated snake | 5.4 | x | [5] | |
Herpeton tentaculatum | East Indian tentacled snake | 2.9 | x | [5] | |
Heterodon nasicus | N. American long-nosed snake | 5.6 | x | [5] | |
Heterodon nasicus kennerlyi | Mexican hognose snake | 9.2 | x | [2] | |
Heterodon nasicus nasicus | Plains hognose snake | 8.2 | m | [2] | |
Heterodon platyrhinos | Eastern hognose snake | 4.0 | m | [2] | |
Heterodon platyrhinos | N. American hognose snake | 3.5 | x | [5] | |
Hypsiglena torquata texana | Night snake | 9.3 | x | [2] | |
Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster | Prairie kingsnake | 11.0 | f | [2] | |
Lampropeltis getulus californiae | California kingsnake | 14.7 | m | [2] | |
Lampropeltis getulus floridana | Florida kingsnake | 12.0 | m | [2] | |
Lampropeltis getulus getulus | Common kingsnake | 21.4 | m | [2] | |
Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki | Speckled kingsnake | 14.4 | m | [2] | |
Lampropeltis getulus niger | Black kingsnake | 13.4 | m | [2] | |
Lampropeltis getulus nigritus | Black desert kingsnake | 11.1 | m | [2] | |
Lampropeltis getulus splendida | Desert kingsnake | 12.8 | f | [2] | |
Lampropeltis getulus yumensis | 23.3 | x | [2] | ||
Lampropeltis pyromelana infrabialis | Utah mountain kingsnake | 4.4 | x | [2] | |
Lampropeltis pyromelana pyromelana | Arizona mountain kingsnake | 15.3 | f | [2] | |
Lampropeltis pyromelana woodini | Huachuca mountain kingsnake | 9.3 | m | [2] | |
Lampropeltis triangulum amaura | Louisiana milk snake | 20.6 | x | [2] | |
Lampropeltis triangulum annulata | Mexican milk snake | 20.2 | x | [2] | |
Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides | Scarlet kingsnake | 13.0 | f | [2] | |
Lampropeltis triangulum syspila | Red milk snake | 10.0 | x | [2] | |
Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum | Milk snake | 21.3 | x | [2] | |
Lampropeltis zonata multicincta | Sierra mountain kingsnake | 16.3 | m | [2] | |
Lampropeltis zonata multifasciata | Coast mountain kingsnake | 13.4 | x | [2] | |
Lampropeltis zonata parvirubra | San Bernadino mountain kingsnake | 11.9 | x | [2] | |
Lampropeltis zonata zonata | Saint Helena mountain kingsnake | 21.2 | m | [2] | |
Leptodeira annulata | Banded cat-eyed snake | 3.4 | x | [2] | |
Leptodeira annulata | American annulated snake | 4.9 | x | [5] | |
Leptodeira hotemboeia | African rufescent snake | 4.3 | x | [5] | |
Leptophis mexicanus | Mexican parrot snake | 7.7 | x | [2] | |
Lioheterodon madagascariensis | Madagascar sharp-nosed snake | 3.4 | x | [5] | |
Liophis anomala | Strange ground snake | 4.8 | x | [2] | |
Lytorhynchus diadema | Diademed sand-snake | 0.4 | x | [5] | |
Macroprotodon cucullatus | Mediteranean hooded snake | 5.9 | x | [5] | |
Masticophis flagellum flagellum | Coachwhip | 16.6 | m | [2] | |
Masticophis flagellum flavigularis | 13.4 | x | [2] | ||
Masticophis flagellum piceus | Red coachwhip | 12.1 | m | [2] | |
Masticophis flagellum testaceus | Central coachwhip | 8.3 | x | [2] | |
Mehelya capensis | Lapi file snake | 10.9 | x | [2] | |
Naia bungarus | Asiatic hamadryad | 12.6 | x | [5] | |
Naia flava | African yellow cobra | 6.0 | x | [5] | |
Naia haie | Egyptian cobra | 6.3 | x | [5] | |
Naia melanoleuca | African black and white cobra | 3.8 | x | [5] | |
Naia tripudians | Indian cobra (+) | 12.0 | x | [5] | |
Natrix fasciata | N. American mocassin snake | 9.4 | x | [5] | |
Natrix fasciata rhombifer | N. American rhombmarked snake | 7.6 | x | [5] | |
Natrix natrix | Grass snake | 9.0 | x | [4] | |
Natrix natrix | Palaearctic grass-snake | 7.4 | x | [5] | |
Natrix piscator | Indian river-snake | 9.0 | x | [5] | |
Natrix saurita | N. American ribbon-snake | 6.6 | x | [5] | |
Natrix septemvittata | N. American seven-banded snake | 5.5 | x | [5] | |
Natrix sirtalis | N. American striped snake | 5.8 | x | [5] | |
Natrix tessellata | Dice snake | 2.3 | x | [2] | |
Natrix tessellata | Palaearctic tessellated snake | 2.7 | x | [5] | |
Natrix tigrina tigrina | 3.1 | x | [2] | ||
Natrix viperina | European viperine snake | 9.2 | x | [5] | |
Oxybelis aeneus | Brown vine snake | 5.0 | x | [2] | |
Petalognathus nebulatus | S. American clouded snake | 4.3 | x | [5] | |
Peudaspis cana | S. African hoary snake | 6.2 | x | [5] | |
Philodryas viridissimus | S. American all-green treesnake | 4.1 | x | [5] | |
Pituophis melanoleucus | N. American pine-snake | 4.5 | x | [5] | |
Pituophis melanoleucus affinis | 15.0 | f | [2] | ||
Pituophis melanoleucus annectens | San Diego gopher snake | 20.4 | m | [2] | |
Pituophis melanoleucus catenifer | Pacific gopher snake | 11.0 | x | [2] | |
Pituophis melanoleucus deserticola | Great Basin gopher snake | 15.8 | f | [2] | |
Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus | Gopher snake | 20.8 | f | [2] | |
Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus | Florida pine snake | 13.0 | x | [2] | |
Pituophis melanoleucus sayi | Bull snake | 22.4 | x | [2] | |
Pituophis sayi | N. American bull snake | 3.0 | x | [5] | |
Psammophis elegans | West African slender snake | 1.9 | x | [5] | |
Psammophis schokari | Schokari snake | 0.9 | x | [5] | |
Psammophis sibilans | African hissing snake | 10.3 | x | [5] | |
Psammophis subtaeniatus | Stripe-belly sand racer | 5.8 | x | [2] | |
Pseudaspis cana | Mole snake | 8.3 | m | [2] | |
Pseudechis porphyriacus | Australian purplish death adder | 5.8 | x | [5] | |
Ptyas mucosus | Oriental rat snake | 11.1 | m | [2] | |
Rhadinaea merremii | Merrem’s snake | 4.3 | x | [5] | |
Rhamphiophis multimaculata | S. African many-spotted snake | 10.0 | x | [5] | |
Rhamphiophis oxyrhychus | Rufous beaked snake | 13.3 | m | [2] | |
Rhinocheilus lecontei lecontei | Western long-nosed snake | 18.3 | f | [2] | |
Rhinocheilus lecontei tessellatus | Texas long-nosed snake | 16.4 | m | [2] | |
Salvadora hexalepis hexalepis | Western patch-nosed snake | 14.3 | m | [2] | |
Salvadora mexicana | Mexican patch-nosed snake | 6.3 | x | [2] | |
Sepedon haemachates | S. African ring-hals snake | 4.6 | x | [5] | |
Spalerosophis diadema | Diademed snake | 9.6 | f | [2] | |
Spilotes pullatus | Tropical rat snake | 13.6 | f | [2] | |
Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata | Red-bellied snake | 2.2 | x | [2] | |
Tarbophis obtusus | African fierce-eyed snake | 2.4 | x | [5] | |
Telescopus semiannulatus | Eastern tiger snake | 7.6 | x | [2] | |
Thamnophis butleri | Butler’s garter snake | 2.0 | x | [2] | |
Thamnophis couchi hammondi | Western aquatic garter snake | 7.7 | x | [2] | |
Thamnophis cyrtopsis ocellata | Eastern blackneck garter snake | 6.0 | m | [2] | |
Thamnophis elegans | Mountain garter snake | 6.1 | x | [2] | |
Thamnophis marcianus | Checkered garter snake | 7.2 | f | [2] | |
Thamnophis proximus proximus | Western ribbon snake | 3.6 | x | [2] | |
Thamnophis radix hayden | Western plains garter snake | 3.6 | m | [2] | |
Thamnophis sauritus sauritus | Eastern ribbon snake | 3.9 | x | [2] | |
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis | Common garter snake | 10.0 | x | [2] | |
Thrasops jacksoni | Jackson’s black treesnake | 5.8 | x | [2] | |
Tretanorhinus variabilis lewisi | Variable swamp snake | 4.3 | f | [2] | |
Trimorphodon fasciolata | 4.8 | x | [2] | ||
Trimorphodon lambda | Sonoran lyre snake | 5.3 | x | [2] | |
Trimorphodon vandenburghi | California lyre snake | 6.0 | x | [2] | |
Uromacer oxyrhynchus | Painted snake | 12.1 | m/f | [2] | |
Walterinnesia aegyptia | Innes Bey’s Egyptian black snake | 0.7 | x | [5] | |
Zamenis diadema | Clifford’s snake (+) | 13.6 | x | [5] | |
Zamenis florulentus | Egyptian flowered snake | 9.3 | x | [5] | |
Zamenis hippocrepis | European horseshoe-snake | 6.3 | x | [5] | |
Zamenis mucosus | Indian rat snake | 11.3 | x | [5] | |
Zamenis ravergieri nummifer | Palaearctic tail-lined snake (+) | 13.8 | x | [5] | |
Zamenis rogersi | Roger’s Egyptian snake | 5.7 | x | [5] | |
Zamenis ventrimaculatus | West Asian spot-bellied snake | 5.8 | x | [5] | |
Zamensis gemonensis asianus | Syrian black snake | 10.3 | x | [5] | |
Cordylidae | Cordylus giganteus | Giant spinytail lizard | 5.3 | x | [2] |
Cordylus giganteus | Giant spinytail lizard | 5.0 | x | [7] | |
Cordylus polyzonus | African spinytail lizard | 9.1 | x | [2] | |
Cordylus warreni | Warren’s spinytail lizard | 4.3 | x | [2] | |
Gerrhosaurus major | Rough-scaled plated lizard | 11.1 | f | [2] | |
Gerrhosaurus nigrolineatus auritus | Black-lined plated lizard | 8.3 | x | [2] | |
Gerrhosaurus validus | Giant plated lizard | 4.0 | x | [2] | |
Platysaurus guttatus | Lesser flat lizard | 10.3 | m | [2] | |
Platysaurus intermedius subniger | Common flat lizard | 3.1 | f | [2] | |
Zonosaurs laticaudatus | Western girdled lizard | 8.0 | x | [2] | |
Crocodylidae | Crocodylus porosus | Indian estuarine crocodile | 8.8 | x | [5] |
Crocodylus americanus | American sharp-nosed crocodile | 9.0 | x | [5] | |
Crocodylus cataphractus | West African long-nosed crocodile | 7.8 | x | [5] | |
Crocodylus niloticus | Nile crocodile | 15.0 | x | [5] | |
Crocodylus rhombifer | Cuban crocodile | 12.8 | x | [5] | |
Crocodylus tetraspis | West African broad-fronted crocodile | 15.0 | x | [5] | |
Crocodylus acutus | American crocodile | 32.9 | f | [2] | |
Crocodylus cataphractus | African slender-snouted crocodile | 42.4 | m | [2] | |
Crocodylus intermedius | Orinoco crocodile | 17.3 | m | [2] | |
Crocodylus moreleti | Morelet’s crocodile | 25.4 | f | [2] | |
Crocodylus niloticus | Nilotic crocodile | 18.4 | m | [2] | |
Crocodylus palustris | Mugger or marsh crocodile | 28.4 | x | [2] | |
Crocodylus porosus | Salt-water crocodile | 41.7 | m | [2] | |
Crocodylus rhombifer | Cuban crocodile | 18.3 | m/f | [2] | |
Osteolaemus tetraspis | West African dwarf crocodile | 42.2 | f | [2] | |
Tomistoma schlegeli | False gavial | 14.3 | f | [2] | |
Dermatemydidae | Dermatemys mawii | Mawe’s American terrapin | 8.1 | x | [5] |
Elapidae | Acanthophis antarcticus antarcticus | Common death adder | 7.2 | m/f | [2] |
Acanthophis antarcticus laevis | Common death adder | 6.2 | m | [2] | |
Acanthophis antarcticus pyrrhus | Common death adder | 3.4 | x | [2] | |
Acanthophis antarcticus rugosus | Common death adder | 6.2 | f | [2] | |
Aspidelaps scutatus | Shieldnose cobra | 11.1 | x | [2] | |
Bungarus caeruleus | Indian krait | 10.5 | x | [2] | |
Bungarus fasciatus | Red-headed krait | 11.5 | x | [2] | |
Bungarus multicinctus | Many-banded krait | 9.4 | m | [2] | |
Dendroaspis angusticeps | Common mamba | 14.3 | f | [2] | |
Dendroaspis jamesoni | Jameson’s mamba | 9.3 | x | [2] | |
Dendroaspis polylepis | Black mamba | 10.1 | f | [2] | |
Dendroaspis viridis | Green mamba | 12.5 | x | [2] | |
Elapsoidea sundevalli | Sundevall’s garter snake | 8.6 | x | [2] | |
Hemachatus haemachatus | Ringneck spitting cobra | 11.8 | x | [2] | |
Micrurus affinis affinis | 4.4 | f | [2] | ||
Micrurus fulvius | Eastern coral snake | 6.8 | x | [2] | |
Naja haje | Egyptian cobra | 9.2 | m | [2] | |
Naja melanoleuca | Black-lipped cobra | 29.1 | f | [2] | |
Naja melanoleuca | Black-lipped cobra | 29.0 | x | [7] | |
Naja naja atra | Indian cobra | 11.7 | x | [2] | |
Naja naja kaouthia | Indian cobra | 12.8 | x | [2] | |
Naja naja naja | Indian cobra | 17.3 | m | [2] | |
Naja naja samarensis | Indian cobra | 11.4 | x | [2] | |
Naja naja sputatrix | Indian cobra | 13.5 | x | [2] | |
Naja naja ssp. | Indian cobra | 23.9 | f | [2] | |
Naja nigricollis mossambica | Blackneck spitting cobra | 13.0 | m | [2] | |
Naja nigricollis ssp. | Blackneck spitting cobra | 22.1 | x | [2] | |
Naja nivea | Cape cobra | 23.6 | x | [2] | |
Notechis scutatus | Mainland tiger snake | 14.1 | m | [2] | |
Ophiophagus hannah | King cobra | 17.1 | m | [2] | |
Pseudechis australis | King grown snake | 11.1 | x | [2] | |
Pseudechis porphyriacus | Red-belly black snake | 5.1 | x | [2] | |
Emydidae | Chinemys megalocephala | 7.7 | m | [2] | |
Chinemys reevesi | Reeve’s turtle | 24.3 | x | [2] | |
Clemmys guttata | Spotted turtle | 8.3 | m | [2] | |
Clemmys guttata | Spotted turtle | 26.0 | x | [8] | |
Clemmys guttata | Spotted turtle | 6.1 | x | [5] | |
Clemmys bealei | 27.3 | x | [2] | ||
Clemmys caspica rivulata | 13.3 | m | [2] | ||
Clemmys insculpta | Wood turtle | 12.5 | x | [2] | |
Clemmys insculpta | Wood turtle | 60.0 | x | [8] | |
Clemmys leprosa | Spanish terrapin | 5.1 | x | [5] | |
Clemmys muhlenbergi | Muhlenberg’s turtle | 13.6 | x | [2] | |
Clemmys mutica | 7.1 | f | [2] | ||
Deirochelys reticularia | Chicken turtle | 6.1 | f | [2] | |
Emydoidea blandingii | Blanding’s turtle | 12.8 | x | [2] | |
Emys blandingii | Blanding’s N. American pond tortoise | 3.0 | x | [5] | |
Emys orbicularis | Swamp turtle or tortoise | 11.7 | m | [2] | |
Emys orbicularis | European pond tortoise | 27.9 | x | [5] | |
Geoclemys hamiltoni | Spotted pond turtle | 14.3 | m | [2] | |
Graptemys barbouri | Barbour’s map turtle | 5.8 | x | [2] | |
Graptemys geographica | Common map turtle | 5.5 | x | [2] | |
Graptemys kohni | Mississippi map turtle | 19.8 | m | [2] | |
Graptemys oculifera | Ringed map turtle | 4.7 | f | [2] | |
Graptemys pseudogeographica | False map turtle | 32.5 | x | [2] | |
Graptemys pulchra | Alabama map turtle | 15.7 | x | [2] | |
Heiremys annandalii | Yellow-headed temple turtle | 9.3 | f | [2] | |
Maclemys terrapin | Diamondback terrapin | 9.3 | m | [2] | |
Notochelys platynota | Malayan flatshell turtle | 8.4 | f | [2] | |
Ocadia sinensis | Chinese stripeneck turtle | 12.4 | f | [2] | |
Terrapene carolina bauri | Florida box turtle | 22.6 | x | [2] | |
Terrapene carolina carolina | Eastern box turtle | 26.4 | m | [2] | |
Terrapene carolina carolina | Eastern box turtle | 75.0 | x | [8] | |
Terrapene carolina major | Gulf coast box turtle | 21.6 | x | [2] | |
Terrapene carolina triunguis | Three-toed box turtle | 24.3 | m | [2] | |
Terrapene coahuila | Coahuilan box turtle | 9.4 | f | [2] | |
Terrapene mexicana yucatana | 15.4 | m | [2] | ||
Terrapene nelson | Spotted box turtle | 11.8 | m | [2] | |
Gavialidae | Gavialis gangeticus | Indian gavial | 27.8 | f | [2] |
Gekkonidae | Coleonyx variegatus | Western banded gecko | 34.8 | m | [2] |
Eublepharis macularius | Leopard gecko | 4.9 | f | [2] | |
Gehyra oceanica | Oceanic dtella | 15.5 | m | [2] | |
Gekko gecko | Tokay gecko | 10.5 | x | [2] | |
Gekko verticillatus | East Indian vericillated gecko | 3.1 | x | [5] | |
Gonatodes albogularis fuscus | Yellowhead gecko | 13.0 | x | [2] | |
Gymnodactylus spyrurus | 1.5 | m | [2] | ||
Hemidactylus brookii | Brook’s gecko | 1.1 | x | [5] | |
Hemidactylus turcicus | Turkish gecko | 2.4 | x | [5] | |
Hoplodactylus pacificus | New Zealand gecko | 1.9 | x | [5] | |
Hoplodactylus pacificus | Pacific sticky-toed gecko | 10.7 | x | [2] | |
Oedura marmorata | Marbled velvet gecko | 2.9 | x | [2] | |
Oedura robusta | Robust velvet gecko | 8.1 | x | [2] | |
Pachydactylus bibronii | Bibron’s thick-toed gecko | 4.6 | m | [2] | |
Phelsuma laticauda | Golddust day gecko | 4.0 | m | [2] | |
Phelsuma lineata | Striped day gecko | 3.0 | x | [2] | |
Phelsuma madagascariensis | Madagascar day gecko | 10.0 | x | [2] | |
Phelsuma madagascariensis | Madagascar gecko | 1.3 | x | [5] | |
Ptychozoon homalocephalum | East Indian fringed gecko | 1.1 | x | [5] | |
Ptyodactylus hasselquisti | Fan-footed gecko | 3.4 | x | [5] | |
Stenodactylus petrii | Flinders Petrie’s gecko | 0.8 | x | [5] | |
Stenodactylus stenodactylus | Elegant gecko | 0.7 | x | [5] | |
Tarentola annularis | Egyptian gecko | 8.0 | x | [5] | |
Tarentola delalandii | Delalande’s West African gecko | 2.4 | x | [5] | |
Tarentola mauretanica | Moorish gecko | 5.6 | x | [5] | |
Thecadactylus rapicaudus | American gecko | 0.9 | x | [5] | |
Tropiocolotes steudneri | Steudner’s pygmy gecko | 1.8 | x | [5] | |
Ptyodactylus hasselquisti | Yellow fan-fingered gecko | 3.3 | m | [2] | |
Sphaerodactylus notatus notatus | Florida reef gecko | 1.3 | x | [2] | |
Tarentola mauritanica | Common wall gecko | 4.1 | x | [2] | |
Tarentola mauritanica | Common wall gecko | 7.0 | x | [7] | |
Teratoscincus microlepis | Small-scaled wonder gecko | 3.1 | x | [2] | |
Teratoscincus scincus | Common wonder gecko | 9.3 | m | [2] | |
Uroplates fimbriatus | Madagascar geckoid lizard | 1.3 | x | [5] | |
Glauconiidae | Glauconia cairi | Cairo earth-snake | 0.2 | x | [5] |
Helodermatidae | Heloderma horridum alvarezi | Beaded lizard | 27.3 | m | [2] |
Heloderma horridum horridum | Beaded lizard | 20.2 | f | [2] | |
Heloderma horridum ssp. | Mexican beaded lizard | 22.8 | f | [2] | |
Heloderma suspectum | Arizona poisonous lizard | 8.3 | x | [5] | |
Heloderma suspectum | Gila monster | 20.0 | x | [7] | |
Heloderma suspectum sp. | Gila monster | 27.8 | x | [2] | |
Heloderma suspectum suspectum | Reticulate gila monster | 16.4 | m | [2] | |
Iguanidae | Amblyrhynchus cristatus | Marine iguana | 6.4 | m | [2] |
Anolis alligator | Barbadian anolis | 2.0 | x | [5] | |
Anolis carolinensis | Carolinan anolis | 1.3 | x | [5] | |
Anolis carolinensis carolinensis | Green anole | 7.1 | m | [2] | |
Anolis equestris | Knight anole | 8.3 | f | [2] | |
Anolis lineatopus | Jamaica anolis | 1.0 | x | [5] | |
Anolis luteogularis | White-throated anole | 2.8 | m | [2] | |
Anolis stejnegeri stejnegeri | 2.9 | m | [2] | ||
Basiliscus basiliscus | Common basilisk | 3.3 | x | [2] | |
Basiliscus plumbifrons | Green basilisk | 5.1 | m | [2] | |
Basiliscus vittatus | Brown basilisk | 5.8 | x | [2] | |
Brachylophus fasciatus | Dfigi banded iguana | 5.9 | m | [2] | |
Conolophus cristatus | Smooth helmeted iguana | 5.2 | x | [2] | |
Conolophus pallidus | Santa Fe land iguana | 17.1 | f | [2] | |
Conolophus subcristatus | Galapagos land iguana | 7.3 | m | [2] | |
Conolophus subcristatus | Galapagos land iguana | 15.0 | x | [7] | |
Ctenosaura hemilopha | Cape spinytail iguana | 9.6 | x | [2] | |
Ctenosaura pectinata | Mexican spinytail iguana | 8.2 | m | [2] | |
Ctenosaura similis | Black iguana | 4.8 | m | [2] | |
Cyclura cornuta | Rhinoceros iguana | 16.7 | m | [2] | |
Cyclura figginsi | 8.7 | x | [2] | ||
Cyclura inornata | 5.6 | m | [2] | ||
Cyclura macleayi caymanensis | 8.7 | x | [2] | ||
Cyclura macleayi lewisi | 5.6 | m | [2] | ||
Cyclura pinguis | Anegada ground iguana | 3.2 | f | [2] | |
Cyclura rileyi nuchalis | White cay ground iguana | 5.6 | m | [2] | |
Cyclura rileyi ssp. | White cay ground iguana | 7.1 | x | [2] | |
Deiroptyx vermiculatus | 1.9 | m | [2] | ||
Dipsosaurus dorsalis | Desert iguana | 14.6 | m/f | [2] | |
Iguana delicatissima | West Indian iguana | 4.4 | x | [2] | |
Iguana delicatissima | American naked-necked iguana | 1.0 | x | [5] | |
Iguana iguana | Green iguana | 12.4 | f | [2] | |
Iguana tuberculata | American tuberculated iguana | 2.3 | x | [5] | |
Iguana tuberculata rhinolopha | American nose crested iguana | 1.4 | x | [5] | |
Leiocephus carinatus | Northern curlytail lizard | 10.8 | m | [2] | |
Mariguana agassizi | White cay ground iguana | 5.2 | x | [2] | |
Metopoceros cornutus | West Indian black iguana | 4.2 | x | [5] | |
Oplurus cyclurus | Merrem’s Madagascar swift | 9.3 | x | [2] | |
Phrynosoma douglassi | Short-horned lizard | 1.0 | x | [2] | |
Phrynosoma orbiculare | N. American horned lizard | 1.1 | x | [5] | |
Saauromus obesus tumidus | Arizona chuckwalla | 5.5 | x | [2] | |
Sceloporus cyanogenys | 6.7 | x | [2] | ||
Sceloporus woodi | Florida scrub lizard | 1.7 | m | [2] | |
Tropidurus hispidus | Brazilian taraguira lizard | 1.6 | x | [5] | |
Uma notata notata | Colorado desert fringe-toed lizard | 8.1 | x | [2] | |
Kinosternidae | Kinosternon baurii | Striped mud turtle | 7.6 | f | [2] |
Kinosternon cruentatus | 6.9 | m | [2] | ||
Kinosternon flavescens | Yellow mud turtle | 10.3 | x | [2] | |
Kinosternon herrerai | Herrera’s mud turtle | 19.5 | m | [2] | |
Kinosternon scorpidoides | Scorpian mud turtle | 14.0 | x | [2] | |
Kinosternon sonoriensis | Sonoran mud turtle | 27.8 | x | [2] | |
Kinosternon subrubrum | Common mud turtle | 40.0 | x | [4] | |
Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis | Mud turtle | 18.3 | x | [2] | |
Staurotypus salvini | Chiapas giant musk turtle | 11.7 | m | [2] | |
Staurotypus triporcatus | Mexican giant musk turtle | 19.8 | f | [2] | |
Sternotherus carinatus | Keel-backed musk turtle | 13.5 | x | [2] | |
Sternotherus derbianus | Lord Derby’s African terrapin | 8.4 | x | [5] | |
Sternotherus minor minor | Loggerhead musk turtle | 23.9 | m | [2] | |
Sternotherus niger | African black terrapin | 5.8 | x | [5] | |
Sternotherus nigricans | Madagascar blackish terrapin | 9.2 | x | [5] | |
Sternotherus odoratus | Stinkpot | 54.8 | x | [2] | |
Sternotherus sinuatus | Natal terrapin | 8.2 | x | [5] | |
Lacertidae | Acanthodactylus boskianus | Daudin’s fringe-fingered lizard | 1.6 | x | [5] |
Acanthodactylus pardalis | Leopard fringe-fingered lizard | 1.5 | x | [5] | |
Acanthodactylus scutellatus | Scutellated fringe-fingered lizard | 2.9 | x | [5] | |
Eremias rubropunctata | Red spotted lizard | 3.3 | x | [5] | |
Lacerta agilis | European sand lizard | 1.6 | x | [5] | |
Lacerta dugesi | Madeiran sharp-headed lizard | 4.8 | x | [5] | |
Lacerta galloti | Gallot’s Canary Island lizard | 5.6 | x | [5] | |
Lacerta lepida lepida | Jeweled lizard | 5.3 | x | [2] | |
Lacerta muralis | Wall lizard | 3.0 | x | [4] | |
Lacerta muralis filfoliensis | European wall lizard | 2.8 | x | [5] | |
Lacerta ocellata | European eyed lizard | 7.1 | x | [5] | |
Lacerta simonyi | Simony’s Canary Island lizard | 5.4 | x | [5] | |
Lacerta viridis | European green lizard | 3.2 | x | [5] | |
Pelomedusidae | Pelomedusa galeata | African helmeted terrapin | 16.8 | x | [5] |
Pelomedusa subrufa olivacea | Helmeted turtle | 7.3 | f | [2] | |
Pelomedusa subrufa subrufa | Helmeted turtle | 16.0 | x | [2] | |
Pelusios adansonii | Adanson’s mud turtle | 4.7 | f | [2] | |
Pelusios castaneus | West African mud turtle | 41.0 | x | [7] | |
Pelusios castaneus derbianus | West African mud turtle | 24.8 | f | [2] | |
Pelusios niger | West African black turtle | 14.7 | f | [2] | |
Pelusios sinuatus | East African serrated mud turtle | 6.1 | f | [2] | |
Pelusios subniger | East African black mud turtle | 29.3 | x | [2] | |
Podocnemis sextuberculata | Six-tubercled river turtle | 6.1 | f | [2] | |
Podocnemis cayennensis | 5.2 | x | [2] | ||
Podocnemis expansa | S. American river turtle | 16.2 | f | [2] | |
Podocnemis unifilis | Yellow-spotted river turtle | 8.8 | m | [2] | |
Platysternidae | Platysternon megacephalum | Big-headed turtle | 15.0 | m | [2] |
Scincidae | Acontias meleagris | S. African spotted slow skink | 3.9 | x | [5] |
Chalcides ocellatus | Ocellated skink | 3.7 | x | [2] | |
Chalcides ocellatus | Palaearctic eyed skink | 8.9 | x | [5] | |
Corucia zebrata | Solomon Island skink | 2.8 | f | [2] | |
Egernia bungana | 8.6 | x | [2] | ||
Egernia cunninghami | Cunningham’s skink | 10.4 | x | [2] | |
Egernia cunninghami | Cunningham’s Australian skink | 19.9 | x | [5] | |
Egernia cunninghami | Cunningham’s skink | 20.0 | X | [7] | |
Egernia hosmeri | Hosmer’s skink | 3.3 | x | [2] | |
Egernia major | Land mullet | 10.8 | x | [2] | |
Egernia stokesii | Stoke’s Australian skink | 3.0 | x | [5] | |
Egernia striolatus | Australian striolated skink | 3.3 | x | [5] | |
Egernia whitei | White’s Australian skink | 3.2 | x | [5] | |
Eumeces algeriensis | 9.0 | x | [2] | ||
Eumeces algeriensis | Algerian skink | 3.8 | x | [5] | |
Eumeces laticeps | Broadhead skink | 7.7 | f | [2] | |
Eumeces obsoletus | Great Plains skink | 6.2 | x | [2] | |
Eumeces schneideri | Schneider’s skink | 9.3 | m | [2] | |
Eumeces schneideri | Gold skink | 7.5 | x | [5] | |
Lygosoma cauarinae | 5.3 | x | [2] | ||
Lygosoma decresiense | Australian descresian skink | 2.4 | x | [5] | |
Lygosoma labillardierii | Labillarier’s Australian skink | 2.0 | x | [5] | |
Lygosoma lesueurii | Lesueur’s Australian skink | 8.9 | x | [5] | |
Lygosoma lineo-ocellatum | New Zealand skink | 2.3 | x | [5] | |
Lygosoma quoyi | Quoy’s Australian skink | 3.0 | x | [5] | |
Macroscincus cocteauii | Cocteau’s Cape Verde Is. skink | 8.9 | x | [5] | |
Ophiomorus tridactylus | Three-toad snake skink | 5.8 | x | [2] | |
Riopa fernandi | 1.5 | x | [2] | ||
Tiliqua gigas | Great moluccan skink | 9.8 | x | [5] | |
Tiliqua nigrolutea | Australian black and yellow skink | 11.5 | x | [5] | |
Tiliqua scincoides | Eastern blue tongue skink | 9.0 | f | [2] | |
Tiliqua scincoides | Australian blue-tongued lizard | 14.3 | x | [5] | |
Trachydosaurus rugosus | 14.5 | x | [2] | ||
Trachysaurus rugosus | Australian stump-tailed skink | 7.1 | x | [5] | |
Sphenodontidae | Sphenodon punctatus | Tuatara | 7.0 | m | [2] |
Sphenodon punctatus | New Zealand tuatara | 11.7 | x | [5] | |
Sphenodon punctatus | Tuatara | 35.0 | x | [4] | |
Sphenodon punctatus | Tuatara | 50.0 | x | [3] | |
Sphenodon punctatus | Tuatara | 77.0 | x | [7] | |
Teiidae | Ameiva ameiva | Giant ameiva | 2.8 | m | [2] |
Cnemidophorus neomexicanus | New Mexico whiptail | 3.2 | f | [2] | |
Cnemidophorus tigris | Western whiptail | 7.8 | x | [10] | |
Dracaena guianensis | Guyana caiman lizard | 9.3 | f | [2] | |
Tupinambis nigropunctatus | 11.9 | m | [2] | ||
Tupinambis nigropunctatus | S. American black-pointed tegu lizard | 5.3 | x | [5] | |
Tupinambis rufescens | Red tegu | 10.6 | m | [2] | |
Tupinambis rufescens | S. American red tegu lizard | 7.3 | x | [5] | |
Tupinambis teguexin | S. American tegu lizard | 12.9 | x | [5] | |
Tupinambis teguixin | Black tegu | 13.0 | x | [2] | |
Tupinambis teguixin | Black tegu | 7.6 | x | [2] | |
Testudinidae | Batagur baska | Indian batagur terrapin | 9.2 | x | [5] |
Batagur baska | River terrapin | 6.1 | f | [2] | |
Chrysemys concinna suwanniensis | 40.7 | m | [2] | ||
Chrysemys floridana | 12.5 | x | [2] | ||
Chrysemys nelsoni | 15.8 | x | [2] | ||
Chrysemys ornata | Central American adorned terrapin | 14.3 | x | [5] | |
Chrysemys picta | Painted turtle | 30.0 | x | [9] [10] | |
Chrysemys picta dorsalis | Southern painted turtle | 16.6 | x | [2] | |
Chrysemys picta marginata | Midland painted turtle | 16.2 | f | [2] | |
Chrysemys picta picta | Eastern painted turtle | 14.0 | f | [2] | |
Chrysemys rubriventris | 4.3 | f | [2] | ||
Chrysemys scripta elegans | 30.5 | x | [2] | ||
Chrysemys scripta | N. American serrated terrapin | 6.8 | x | [5] | |
Chrysemys scripta elegans | N. American elegant terrapin | 5.9 | x | [5] | |
Chrysemys scripta rugosa | N. American wrinkled terrapin | 12.4 | x | [5] | |
Chrysemys scripta hiltoni | 25.3 | x | [2] | ||
Chrysemys scripta scripta | 8.6 | f | [2] | ||
Chrysemys stejnegeri granti | 8.1 | f | [2] | ||
Cinixys belliana | African tortoise | 10.8 | x | [5] | |
Cistudo carolina | N. American box tortoise | 35.0 | x | [5] | |
Cuora amboinensis | Southeast Asian box turtle | 38.2 | x | [2] | |
Cuora trifasciatta | Chinese three-striped box turtle | 9.6 | m | [2] | |
Cyclemus amboinensis | Amboina box tortoise | 19.1 | x | [5] | |
Cyclemus dhor | Oldham’s East Indian terrapin | 9.1 | x | [5] | |
Cyclemus platynota | East Indian flat-backed terrapin | 11.8 | x | [5] | |
Cyclemus trifasciata | Chinese trifasciated terrapin | 10.8 | x | [5] | |
Geochelone carbonaria | Redfoot tortoise | 13.8 | f | [2] | |
Geochelone chilensis | Chaco tortoise | 19.8 | f | [2] | |
Geochelone denticulata | S. American yellowfoot tortoise | 14.1 | m | [2] | |
Geochelone elegans | Indian star tortoise | 14.1 | f | [2] | |
Geochelone elephantopus | 47.6 | m | [2] | ||
Geochelone gigantea | Aldabra tortoise | 37.3 | x | [2] | |
Geochelone gigantea | Aldabra tortoise | 152.0 | x | [3] [7] | |
Geochelone gigantea | Aldabra tortoise | 70.0 | x | [1] [10] | |
Geochelone pardalis | Leopard tortoise | 7.3 | f | [2] | |
Geochelone radiata | Radiated tortoise | 12.8 | m/f | [2] | |
Geochelone travancorica | 11.8 | f | [2] | ||
Geoclemys reevesii | Reeve’s Chinese terrapin | 23.5 | x | [5] | |
Geoemyda grandis | 20.4 | x | [2] | ||
Geoemyda pulcherrima pulcherrima | 20.4 | m | [2] | ||
Geoemyda rubida | 11.8 | x | [2] | ||
Geoemyda spinosa | East Indian spinous terrapin | 3.2 | x | [5] | |
Geoemyda spinosa | 9.3 | x | [2] | ||
Geoemyda trijuga | 40.0 | x | [2] | ||
Gopherus agassizi | Desert tortoise | 2.8 | f | [2] | |
Gopherus berlandieri | Texas tortoise | 4.4 | m | [2] | |
Gopherus flavomarginata | Bolson tortoise | 4.8 | f | [2] | |
Gopherus polyphemus | Gopher tortoise | 8.5 | x | [2] | |
Homopus areolatus | Beaked cape tortoise | 7.3 | f | [2] | |
Homopus areolatus | African tortoise | 3.1 | x | [5] | |
Kachuga dhongoka | Indian dhongoka terrapin | 6.8 | x | [5] | |
Kachuga smithii | Brown roofed turtle | 9.8 | m | [2] | |
Kachuga tecta tentoria | Indian roof turtle | 11.0 | f | [2] | |
Kachuga tecta | Indian roofed terrapin | 3.3 | x | [5] | |
Kinixys belliana belliana | Bell’s hingeback tortoise | 14.4 | x | [2] | |
Kinixys erosa | Serrated hingeback tortoise | 10.3 | m | [2] | |
Malacochersus tornieri | African pancake tortoise | 7.3 | x | [2] | |
Nicoria punctularia | S. American rough terrapin | 5.8 | x | [5] | |
Nicoria trijuga | Ceylonese terrapin | 12.8 | x | [5] | |
Testudo angulata | S. African angulated tortoise | 11.8 | x | [5] | |
Testudo elongata | Burmese tortoise | 11.8 | x | [5] | |
Testudo emys | East Indian upland tortoise | 11.9 | x | [5] | |
Testudo graeca | Mediteranean spur-thighed tortoise | 4.7 | x | [2] | |
Testudo hermanni | Heermann’s tortoise | 8.3 | f | [2] | |
Testudo microphyes | Galapagos albemarle tortoise | 16.5 | x | [5] | |
Testudo pardalis | African leopard tortoise | 10.1 | x | [5] | |
Testudo radiata | Madagascar radiated tortoise | 9.8 | x | [5] | |
Testudo tabulata | Brazilian tortoise | 16.2 | x | [5] | |
Trionychidae | Cyclanorbis senegalensis | Senegal soft turtle | 6.4 | x | [5] |
Lissemys punctata | Indian flapshell turtle | 12.8 | x | [2] | |
Pelochelys bibroni | Asian giant softshell | 10.1 | x | [2] | |
Trionyx cartilagineus | 7.3 | m | [2] | ||
Trionyx gangeticus | Ganges soft turtle | 14.0 | x | [5] | |
Trionyx spinifer | N. American spinous soft turtle | 10.6 | x | [5] | |
Trionyx spiniferus spiniferus | Spiny softshell | 16.8 | x | [2] | |
Trionyx triunguis | African softshell | 25.2 | m | [2] | |
Trionyx triunguis | African softshell | 25.0 | x | [7] | |
Typhlopidae | Typhlops delalandii | Delalande’s ground snake | 0.8 | x | [5] |
Typhlops punctatus | Punctuated ground snake | 0.3 | x | [5] | |
Varanidae | Lanthanotus borneensis | Borneo earless monitor | 6.9 | x | [2] |
Varanus acanthurus brachyurus | Ridgetail monitor | 10.0 | f | [2] | |
Varanus bengalensis | Bengal monitor | 10.0 | x | [2] | |
Varanus flavescens | Yellow monitor | 4.5 | m | [2] | |
Varanus flavescens | Indian yellowish waral lizard | 4.8 | x | [5] | |
Varanus giganteus | Perentie | 5.9 | x | [2] | |
Varanus gouldi | Sand monitor | 7.8 | x | [2] | |
Varanus gouldi | Gould’s Australian waral lizard | 6.8 | x | [5] | |
Varanus griseus | Desert monitor | 4.5 | m | [2] | |
Varanus griseus | Desert waral lizard | 9.3 | x | [5] | |
Varanus komodoensis | Komodo dragon | 8.9 | f | [2] | |
Varanus mertensi | Merten’s water monitor | 6.6 | x | [2] | |
Varanus mitchelli | Mitchell’s water monitor | 6.6 | x | [2] | |
Varanus niloticus | Nile monitor | 6.6 | x | [2] | |
Varanus niloticus | Nile waral lizard | 6.4 | x | [5] | |
Varanus niloticus | Nile waral lizard | 5.5 | m | [5] | |
Varanus salavator | Crocodile monitor | 12.3 | m | [2] | |
Varanus salvator | East Indian great water lizard | 10.6 | x | [5] | |
Varanus spenceri | Spencer’s monitor | 4.3 | x | [2] | |
Varanus timorensis | Spotted tree monitor | 6.8 | x | [2] | |
Varanus tristis | Arid monitor | 8.3 | x | [2] | |
Varanus varius | Lace monitor | 9.5 | m | [2] | |
Varanus varius | Australian lace lizard | 6.8 | x | [5] | |
Varanus varius | Lace monitor | 7.0 | x | [7] | |
Viperidae | Agkistrodon acutus | 7.5 | m | [2] | |
Agkistrodon bilineatus bilineatus | Cantil | 24.3 | x | [2] | |
Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix | Northern copperhead | 14.5 | m | [2] | |
Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus | Broad-banded copperhead | 21.5 | m | [2] | |
Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen | Northern copperhead | 29.8 | f | [2] | |
Agkistrodon controtrix pictigaster | Trans-pecos copperhead | 20.4 | m | [2] | |
Agkistrodon halys blomhoffi | Siberian pit viper | 6.2 | f | [2] | |
Agkistrodon halys brevicaudus | Siberian pit viper | 12.5 | m | [2] | |
Agkistrodon hypnale | 7.3 | x | [2] | ||
Agkistrodon piscivorus | Water moccasin | 21.0 | x | [7] | |
Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti | Florida cotton-mouth | 15.7 | x | [2] | |
Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma | Western cotton-mouth | 16.5 | m | [2] | |
Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus | Eastern cotton-mouth | 13.1 | m | [2] | |
Agkistrodon piscivorus ssp. | Cotton-mouth | 18.9 | x | [2] | |
Agkistrodon rhodostoma | 5.8 | f | [2] | ||
Atheris squamiger | Rough-scaled bush viper | 4.5 | x | [2] | |
Atractaspis bibronii | Bibron’s mole viper | 8.9 | x | [2] | |
Bitis arietans arietans | Puff adder | 15.8 | m | [2] | |
Bitis caudalis | Horned puff adder | 5.3 | x | [2] | |
Bitis gabonica gabonica | Gaboon viper | 10.8 | m | [2] | |
Bitis gabonica rhinoceros | Gaboon viper | 13.3 | f | [2] | |
Bitis nasicornis | Rhinoceros viper | 8.3 | f | [2] | |
Bothrops atrox asper | Common lancehead | 20.2 | x | [2] | |
Bothrops atrox atrox | Common lancehead | 8.5 | x | [2] | |
Bothrops godmani | 7.4 | x | [2] | ||
Bothrops jararaca | Jararaca | 6.5 | x | [2] | |
Causus rhombeatus | Cape viper | 6.6 | x | [5] | |
Cerastes cerastes | Horned viper | 17.0 | f | [2] | |
Cerastes vipera | Common sand viper | 6.0 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus adamanteus | Eastern diamondback rattlesnake | 22.8 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus atrox | Western diamondback rattlesnake | 25.8 | f | [2] | |
Crotalus atrox | Western diamondback rattlesnake | 22.0 | x | [7] | |
Crotalus basiliscus basiliscus | Mexican West-Coast rattlesnake | 12.8 | f | [2] | |
Crotalus catalinensis | Santa Catalina Island rattlesnake | 10.3 | f | [2] | |
Crotalus cerastes cerastes | Mojave Desert sidewinder | 8.1 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus cerastes cercobombus | Sonoran sidewinder | 10.7 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus cerastes laterorepens | Colorado Desert sidewinder | 13.8 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus durissus durissus | Neotropical rattlesnake | 12.0 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus durissus terrificus | Neotropical rattlesnake | 13.4 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus enyo enyo | Baja California rattlesnake | 17.1 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus horridus | Timber rattlesnake | 30.2 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus lepidus klauberi | New Mexico banded rock rattlesnake | 23.3 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus lepidus lepidus | Mottled rock rattlesnake | 17.9 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus lepidus maculosus | Rock rattlesnake | 7.2 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus mitchelli pyrrhus | Southwestern speckled rattlesnake | 15.5 | f | [2] | |
Crotalus mitchelli stephensi | Panamint rattlesnake | 12.4 | f | [2] | |
Crotalus molossus molossus | Northern black-tailed rattlesnake | 15.5 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus molossus nigrescens | 11.2 | x | [2] | ||
Crotalus polystictus | Mexican lancehead rattlesnake | 5.7 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus pricei miquihuanus | Twin-spotted rattlesnake | 5.1 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus pricei pricei | Twin-spotted rattlesnake | 3.5 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus pusillus | Tancitanan dusky rattlesnake | 5.7 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus ruber ruber | Northern red rattlesnake | 14.4 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus | Mojave rattlesnake | 13.0 | f | [2] | |
Crotalus tigris | Tiger rattlesnake | 15.3 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus tortugensis | Tortuga Island rattlesnake | 18.3 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus triseriatus triseriatus | Mexican dusky rattlesnake | 7.0 | f | [2] | |
Crotalus unicolor | Arulon Island rattlesnake | 14.8 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus viridis cerberus | Arizona black rattlesnake | 12.4 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus viridis helleri | Southern Pacific rattlesnake | 19.4 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus viridis lutosus | Great Basin rattlesnake | 17.1 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus viridis nuntius | Hopi rattlesnake | 6.2 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus viridis oreganus | Northern Pacific rattlesnake | 11.0 | x | [2] | |
Crotalus viridis viridis | Prairie rattlesnake | 19.3 | m | [2] | |
Crotalus willardi willardi | Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake | 21.3 | f | [2] | |
Echis carinatus | Saw-scaled viper | 11.8 | f | [2] | |
Echis coloratus | Palestine saw-scaled viper | 11.8 | f | [2] | |
Eristocophis macmahonii | McMahon’s viper | 9.3 | m | [2] | |
Lachesis muta stenophrys | Bushmaster | 8.5 | x | [2] | |
Pelamis platurus | Yellow-bellied sea snake | 2.1 | f | [2] | |
Sistrurus catenatus catenatus | Massasauga | 9.9 | f | [2] | |
Sistrurus catenatus ssp | Massasauga | 14.0 | x | [2] | |
Sistrurus catenatus tergeminus | Western massasauga | 12.8 | x | [2] | |
Sistrurus miliarius barbouri | Dusky pygmy rattlesnake | 15.1 | m | [2] | |
Sistrurus miliarius miliarius | Carolina pygmy rattlesnake | 7.2 | x | [2] | |
Sistrurus miliarius streckeri | Western pygmy rattlesnake | 6.6 | x | [2] | |
Sistrurus ravus | Mexican pygmy rattlesnake | 10.0 | m | [2] | |
Trimeresurus albolabris | White-lipped tree viper | 9.3 | f | [2] | |
Trimeresurus elegans | Elegant pit viper | 10.3 | x | [2] | |
Trimeresurus flavoviridis flavoviridis | Yellow-spotted pit viper | 8.9 | x | [2] | |
Trimeresurus gramineus | Indian green tree viper | 6.2 | x | [2] | |
Trimeresurus monticola | 3.9 | m | [2] | ||
Trimeresurus okinavensis | 10.8 | x | [2] | ||
Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus | Mangrove viper | 8.9 | x | [2] | |
Trimeresurus steonegeri | Chinese green tree viper | 7.0 | x | [2] | |
Trimeresurus trigonocephus | Ceylon pit viper | 5.2 | x | [2] | |
Trimeresurus wagleri | 5.8 | f | [2] | ||
Ttimeresurus popeorum | Pope’s tree viper | 6.7 | x | [2] | |
Vipera ammodytes | Long-nosed viper | 22.0 | x | [7] | |
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes | Long-nosed viper | 9.3 | m | [2] | |
Vipera ammodytes montandoni | Sand viper | 8.8 | x | [2] | |
Vipera ammodytes ssp. | Sand viper | 7.1 | x | [2] | |
Vipera aspis | Asp viper | 7.8 | m | [2] | |
Vipera aspis | European asp-viper | 3.9 | x | [5] | |
Vipera berus | Northern palaearctic viper | 2.1 | x | [5] | |
Vipera latasti | Iataste’s viper | 5.5 | f | [2] | |
Vipera lebetina obtusa | Bluntnose viper | 10.1 | m | [2] | |
Vipera lebetina schwezeri | Bluntnose viper | 11.3 | x | [2] | |
Vipera lebetina ssp. | Bluntnose viper | 11.3 | x | [2] | |
Vipera lebetina turanica | Bluntnose viper | 5.1 | x | [2] | |
Vipera russelli russellii | Russell’s viper | 13.3 | x | [2] | |
Vipera russelli ssp. | Russell’s viper | 11.6 | m | [2] | |
Vipera santhina raddei | 6.1 | m | [2] | ||
Vipera xanthina palestinae | Coastal viper | 10.1 | m | [2] | |
Walterinnesia aegyptia | Black desert cobra | 6.7 | m | [2] | |
Xantusiidae | Klauberina riversiana | Island night lizard | 5.3 | m | [2] |
Lepidophyma flavimaculatum flavimaculata | Yellow-spotted night lizard | 9.9 | f | [2] | |
Xantusia vigilis | Desert night lizard | 3.8 | x | [2] | |
Xenopeltidae | Xenopeltis unicolor | 9.3 | x | [2] | |
Zonuridae | Pseudocordylus microlepidotus | S. African smooth-backed lizard | 2.8 | x | [5] |
Zonurus cordylus | S. African rough-scaled girdled lizard | 3.5 | x | [5] | |
Zonurus giganteus | S. African derbian girdled lizard | 4.5 | x | [5] |
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