Media Center

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Flyer 2019

Information about the Institute 2019

Map Directions to the MPIDR

How to get to the MPIDR with public transport

A career in science at Max Planck

A guide to career advancement with equal opportunities

Less children per man than per woman

Birthrates for men in Germany made available for the first time. Men on average have less children then women and have them later in life. (Data sheet) Related press release

Individual lifespans are becoming more similar

Death counts (normalized) for US women in 1933 and 2014 for ages 0 to 109 Related press release

European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) Flyer

The EDSD is an 11-month program open to students with a master´s degree, and who are enrolled in the first year of a European PhD program.

Human Cause-of-Death Database (HCD) Flyer

The HCD provides access to detailed high-quality data on cause-specific mortality. It provides time series with constant classification of causes, based on ICD-10.

Human Mortality Database (HMD) Flyer

The HMD is the world ́s leading data resource on mortality in developed countries.

Human Fertility Database (HFD) Flyer

The HFD provides free data on births, including different kinds of fertility rates, cohort and period fertility tables, and mean ages at childbearing.

Life expectancy and its rise in 396 German districts

Life expectancy for men and women for all districts in 2009/2011, in 1995/1997 and as a comparison of time

Life expectancy and its rise in 396 German districts

SHAPE file with boundaries of all 396 districts including all data on life expectancies for producing custom maps

1.6 Children per Woman

For the first time, the MPIDR presents corrected birth rates that are considerably higher than the official figures (Data sheet). Related press release

In Search of Time Won – About the Future of Aging Societies

by James Vaupel, MPG Annual Report 2008

Demographic Change: A Major Political Problem Zone

by Harald Wilkoszewski, MaxPlanckResearch 2009


Head of the Department of Public Relations and Event Organization

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Science Communication Editor

Christine Ruhland


+49 381 2081-157

Science Communication Editor

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.