July 04, 2023 | Defo News

Education and Health


The new issue (No. 2/2023) of Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand, the popular science newsletter with latest research results from demography, has been released.

The Newsletter is available in German only.

"Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand" is a joint publication of the Max Planck Institute for demographic Research (MPIDR), the Rostocker Zentrum zur Erforschung des Demografischen Wandels (RZ), the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID), the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital and the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB).

The topics of the new issue are:

1. Education and Health

(Federal Institute for Population Research)

How long mothers attended school helps determine their children's health
Children growing up in poverty are disadvantaged in many ways, including health. The socioeconomic factor of education also plays a role. The more education a mother has, the healthier her children will be.

2. Personality traits and the likelihood of having children.

(Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)

Self-actualization, personal freedoms, and self-fulfillment contribute to fertility behavior. Demographic change is partly due to a shift in values towards post-materialistic and individualistic values. This has consequences: As people make more individual decisions about whether or not to have children, personality traits also play a role in the decision for or against parenthood.

3. Violence and life insecurity 

(Vienna Institute of Demography)

Life insecurity is an important indicator of the health of a population. 
People who live in a country where violence is prevalent not only live shorter lives on average, but their lives are also less predictable. This life insecurity is an important indicator of the health of a population, and this indicator varies widely from country to country.

The newsletter is released four times a year and is available electronically and as a printed version and is free of charge.

All past issues are available online on the Newsletter website. On the website you also have the possibility to subscribe to the Newsletter to get informed about the release of the new issues or to receive the printed versions by mail.


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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.