December 22, 2011 | Defo News

Family, Education and Money

The actual issue and all past issues can be found at © MPIDR

The new issue (Nr. 4/2011) of "Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand", the popular science newsletter with latest research results from demography, has been released. (The Newsletter is available in German only.)

  • Growth of the world population. Education of women is crucial. A difference of one billion people is possible by the year 2050.
  • Stepfamilies are economically disadvantaged. This discrimination takes place in France and Western Germany but not in the East.
  • The fewer people there are, the more bank branches there are per person. Even sparsely populated areas are served by savings and cooperative banks.


"Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand" is a joint publication of the  Max Planck Institute for demographic Research (MPIDR), the Rostocker Zentrum zur Erforschung des Demografischen Wandels (RZ) and the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID). The newsletter is released four times a year and is available electronically and as a printed version and is free of charge.

You may download the new issue as PDF. All past issues are available online on the Newsletter website. On the website you also have the possibility to subscribe to the Newsletter to get informed about the release of the new issues or to receive the printed versions by mail.


Head of the Department of Public Relations and Event Organization

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Science Communication Editor

Christine Ruhland


+49 381 2081-157

Science Communication Editor

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.