April 19, 2018 | News | News

LTR: Prof. Dr. Michaela Kreyenfeld (Hertie School of Governance) Dr. Dirk Förterer (Allianz), Dr. László Németh (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research) © Michael Fahrig
MPIDR-researcher László Németh has received an award for young demographers issued by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie (German Society for Demography) and the insurance group Allianz. The prize was awarded at a ceremony which took place April 10, 2018 in Berlin as a part of the 7th Berlin Demography Forum.
László Németh worked towards his Ph.D. at the MPIDR and the Hungarian Demographic Research Institute from 2013 to 2016, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. James W. Vaupel and Prof. Dr. Trifon I. Missov, as a member of the Laboratory of Survival and Longevity and defended his thesis at the University of Rostock.
The main objectives of his dissertation were to identify the parsimonious parametric model that most adequately reflects human mortality at adult and older ages and to provide statistical evidence on the existence of the so-called mortality plateau, the deceleration of mortality rates at the oldest-old ages.
"We decided to honor this thesis because it provides a substantial contribution to the advancement of demographic methods”, says Michaela Kreyenfeld, Professor of Sociology at the Hertie School of Governance who presented the award on behalf of the German Society for Demography.
The prize, called the Allianz Award for Young Demographers, honors outstanding work on demographic issues.The award is issued jointly by the German Society for Demography and the insurance group Allianz with the purpose of supporting young academics from various fields having completed a Ph.D. or Master dissertation within the last two years. The prize is endowed with 6000 Euro, the money is divided among the four winners.
The German Society for Demography is a politically independent association consisting of scientists as well as people and institutions with an interest in science working in the field of demography or neighboring disciplines.