November 17, 2017 | News | Call for papers
Postponement of Parenthood
The MPIDR, London School of Economics and Political Science, and Bocconi University invite submissions to a conference on the postponement of parenthood taking place in Italy in September 2018.

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, London School of Economics and Political Science, and Bocconi University cordially invite submissions to a conference on the Postponement of Parenthood, with support from the European Research Council.
Time and Venue
September 3-6, 2018, Villa Vigoni, Lake Como, Italy
About the Conference
The secular increase in the mean age at childbearing is one of the most notable demographic developments of our times. This conference will take a multidisciplinary stance to explore the causes and consequences of this process, in order to assess its costs and gains. We welcome the submission of research papers on the potential consequences of childbearing at older ages for the health and well-being of parents, children, and populations, as well as the cultural, socioeconomic, technological, and policy factors that may explain why parents are delaying childbearing to older ages. Submissions from all disciplines are welcome. The conference will feature keynote speeches, oral presentations, poster sessions, as well as formal and informal opportunities for group discussion and exchange.
Financial Support
Participants are expected to seek their own funding for travel to the conference venue. Accommodation costs and meals at Villa Vigoni during the conference will be covered by the organisers. Financial support for travel may be available for junior scientists, but this will be assessed on a competitive basis and the request for such funding must be indicated at the time of abstract submission.
We invite you to submit extended abstracts (2-4 pages) or full papers. Please direct all submissions to by February 15th 2018. Any conference related inquiries may also be directed to Submitters will be notified about selection decisions by March 15th 2018. We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Organizing Committee
Mikko Myrskylä (MPIDR, LSE, University of Helsinki)
Kieron Barclay (MPIDR, LSE, Stockholm)
Sebastian Klüsener (MPIDR, Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania)
Alice Goisis (LSE)
Francesco Billari (Università Bocconi)