Hearing loss affects one in five adults in Europe and is associated with negative health outcomes such as dementia. A recent study by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) examines the influence of education on the prevalence of hearing loss across different European populations. Donata Stonkute, a researcher at MPIDR, and Yana Vierboom (Princeton University) found that educational inequalities in hearing loss vary by age, gender and region. More
Susie Lee from the Laboratories of Fertility and Well-Being and BIOSFER and Mariia Vasiakina from the Research Group: Labor Demography and the Laboratory of MaxHel Center give talks. More
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In their paper published in January, Silvia Loi, Peng Li and Mikko Myrskylä from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research use longitudinal survey data to estimate healthy ageing of immigrants and non-immigrants over the life-course in Germany. It examines the roles of education, income, and marital status, separately for men and women. More
Dudel, C.; Schneider, D. C.:
How bad could it be? Worst-case bounds on bias in multistate models due to unobserved transitions Sociological Methods and Research 52:4, 1816–1837. (2021)
Loi, S.; Li, P.; Myrskylä, M.:
At the intersection of adverse life course pathways: the effects on health by migration status Demography, 1–22. (2024)
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In their paper published in November, Daniel Ciganda and Nicolas Todd present a new approach to identifying individual fertility behavior from aggregate data. This method offers an alternative to traditional macro-level models and provides a better understanding of the drivers that determine fertility patterns. More