
Archiv: Vorlesungsreihe Süßmilch

Vorlesungreihe Süßmilch 2024

vital: Tidy data analysis for demography using R
Rob J Hyndman, Monash University
26. Juni, 2024 Mehr

Towards a Social Demography of Bereavement.
Ashton Verdery, The Pennsylvania State University
4. Juni, 2024 Mehr

Weathering: The Challenge to Reproductive Health Equity and to the Demographic Concept of "True Age Effects"
Arline Geronimus, University of Michigan
28. Mai 2024 Mehr

Parental support to adult children: Inequalities within and between families
Matthijs Kalmijn, The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
9. April 2024 Mehr

Lütten Klein and the East German Transformations
Steffen Mau (Humboldt University of Berlin)
27. Feburar, 2024 Mehr

Vorlesungreihe Süßmilch 2023

Assessing the Effect and Effectiveness of Migration Policy
Mathias Czaika (Donau Universität Krems)
3. Mai 2023 Mehr

Equity for Women in Science
Cassidy R. Sugimoto (Georgia Institute of Technology)
7. März 2023 Mehr

Vorlesungreihe Süßmilch 2022

Can Changing Family Demographics Help Explain the Narrowing Gender Wage Gap?
Alexandra Killewald (Harvard Universität)
15. November 2022 Mehr

Length-Biased Sampling as a Unifying Concept in Population Studies
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (University of Minnesota)
8. November 2022 Mehr

The Place of Demography in Global Development Discourse in the 21st Century
Alex Ezeh (Drexel Universität)
13. September 2022 Mehr

The Evolution of the Earnings Gap Within Couples Over Time
Martina Dieckhoff (Universität Rostock)
25. Januar 2022 Mehr

Vorlesungreihe Süßmilch 2021

Excerpts from In-Progress Book Manuscript, An Epidemic of Uncertainty
Jenny A. Trinitapoli (University of Chicago)
30. November 2021 Mehr

Demographic Perspectives on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jennifer Dowd (University of Oxford)
9. November 2021 Mehr

COVID-19 in Brazil: Spatial Patterns and Demographic Effects
Marcia C. Castro (Harvard University, Boston)
30. September 2021 Mehr

Vorlesungreihe Süßmilch 2020

Suicide Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan
Michiko Ueda (Waseda University, Tokio)
4. November 2020 Mehr

Exposure to Common Enemies can Increase Political Polarization: Evidence from an Experiment with Automated Partisans
Chris Bail (Duke University)
6. Oktober 2020 Mehr

Uncovering College Effect Heterogeneity using Machine Learning.
Jennie E. Brand (University of California, Los Angeles)
29. September 2020 Mehr

Quality Adjusted Population Density
David Weil (Brown University)
2. Juni 2020 Mehr

The Geographic Immobility of Young Adults in the US:  Evidence from Linked Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, and Census Survey Records +++++Cancelled++++++
Mark Ellis (University of Washington)
3. März 2020 Mehr

Vorlesungreihe Süßmilch 2019

Leveraging Genetics to inform social demography
Dalton Conley (Princton University)
19. Januar 2019 Mehr

Equivalence scales and the distribution of household income: do we know what we´re doing?
Martin Werding (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
19. März 2019 Mehr

Life after death: The scale and salience of mortality exposure in sub-Saharan Africa
Emily Smith-Greenaway (University of Southern California)
23. April Mehr

Understanding Social Change: New Methods for Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
Christopher Winship (Harvard University)
21. Mai 2019 Mehr

Family Policies, Income Inequality, and Women’s Social Location: Mothers’ Employment in 22 Countries
Jennifer Hook (University of Southern California)
18. Juni 2019 Mehr

His and her earnings following parenthood in the US, Germany and UK
Kelly Musick (Cornell Universit)
22. Oktober 2019 Mehr

Measuring health inequalities – and why we struggle to reduce them
Alastair Leyland (University of Glasgow)
12. November 2019 Mehr

Children's health lifestyles, technology use, and the reproduction of inequality
Stefanie Mollborn (University of Colorado Boulder)
10. Dezember  2019 Mehr

Vorlesungsreihe Süßmilch 2018

Biomarker-based metrics of general health and aging for population surveys: Theory and progress
Alan Cohen (Université de Sherbrooke)
16. Januar 2018

Does migration contribute to the African epidemiological transition?
Philippe Bocquier (Université catholique de Louvain)
27. Februar 2018

Death in the Afternoon: Changing Patterns in US Mortality
++++++ cancelled ++++++

Anne C. Case (Princeton University)
10. April 2018

Rotten Childhood: Decomposing Adult Mortality Effects of Early Life Adversity in the Utah Population Database
Ken R. Smith (The University of Utah)
15. Mai 2018

The Midlife Mortality Crisis in the United States: An Examination of Recent Trends in Cause-Specific Mortality and Related Indicators of Distress among Adults Soon Moving into Midlife
Robert Hummer (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
29. Mai 2018

Age-Period-Cohort Analysis: What Is It Good for?
Herbert L. Smith (University of Pennsylvania)
9. Oktober 2018

Understanding The Social Polarisation of Family Experience in the UK
Ann M. Berrington (University of Southampton)
20. November 2018

Vorlesungsreihe Süßmilch 2017

Health Inequalities in Europe. New Insights from Comparative Studies
Johan P. Mackenbach (Erasmus University Medical Center)
31. Januar 2017

Racial Health Disparities in the United States
Jay S. Kaufman (McGill University)
28. Februar 2017

Family Ties, Internal Migration and Immobility
Clara H. Mulder (University of Groningen)
6. April 2017

The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education and Family Dynamics in Europe
Van Bavel, Jan (University of Leuven)
22. November 2017

Vorlesungsreihe Süßmilch 2016

Expected and Unexpected Effects of Childbearing — A Methodologically and Politically Important Distinction that Tends to Be Ignored
Øystein Kravdal (University of Oslo)
19. Januar 2016

Migration, Fertility and Population Replacement in Europe
Tomáš Sobotka (Vienna Institute of Demography)
16. Februar 2016

The Demographic Diversity of Immigrant Populations in Australia
James Raymer (Australian National University)
2. März 2016

Lecture during the Süßmilch Symposium “The Future of Demography” Part I
Elizabeth E. Bruch (University of Michigan)
Rebecca Sear (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)
Uwe Sunde (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
14. März 2016

Interpreting Population Change: New Resources in Fecundity and Migration Research” within the Süßmilch Symposium “The Future of Demography” Part II
Jenna E. Nobles (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
12. April 2016

Demography across Scales
Annette Baudisch (University of Southern Denmark)
26. April 2016

Demography-Driven Discovery in the 21st Century: Challenges, Opportunities and Ambitions for a Wonderful Discipline
Emilio Zagheni (University of Washington)
2. Mai 2016

The Future of Mortality Projections” within the Süßmilch Symposium “The Future of Demography” Part II
Fanny Janssen (University of Groningen)
11. Mai 2016

Tilting vs. Stretching: A Comparative Statics Approach for Understanding the Importance of Changes in Fertility and Mortality for Population Aging
Joshua R. Goldstein (University of California)
28. Juni 2016

Evaluating Multi-Regional Population Projections with Taylor´s Law of Mean-Variance  Scaling and Its Generalization
Joel E. Cohen (Rockefeller University)
18. Dezember 2016

Vorlesungsreihe Süßmilch 2015

Six Outstanding Problems in Developing Country Demography
Griffith Feeney (Scarsdale, NY)
14. April 2015

Slow Fertility Transition in Africa
John Bongaarts (Population Council)
3. September 2015

The Theory of Demographic Metabolism Applied to World Population and Human Capital Projections in the Context of Sustainable Development
Wolfgang Lutz (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis & Vienna Institute of Demography)
22. September 2015

The Theory of Planned Behavior: A Unifying Framework to Predict Behavior
Icek Ajzen (Aizen) (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
19. Oktober 2015

Studying Social Influence in Networks Using the Stochastic Actor-Oriented Model
Tom A. B. Snijders (University of Groningen)
21. Oktober 2015

Agent-Based Modelling in Demography: Epistemological and Methodological Challenges
Jakub Bijak (University of Southampton)
26. Oktober 2015

Lifespan Extension with Varying Cause-of-Death Trajectories
Ulrich Mueller (Federal Institute for Population Research)
27. Oktober 2015

Modeling Choice
Joan Walker (University of California)
28. Oktober 2015

Bongaarts Goes Bayesian
Leontine Alkema (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
23. November 2015

Trends in the Association between Educational Attainment and U.S. Adult Mortality: Bringing Historical Context Back In
Mark D. Hayward (The University of Texas at Austin)
24. November 2015

Population Density and Fertility in Developing Countries
David de la Croix (Catholic University of Leuven)
8. Dezember 2015

Das Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung (MPIDR) in Rostock ist eines der international führenden Zentren für Bevölkerungswissenschaft. Es gehört zur Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, einer der weltweit renommiertesten Forschungsgemeinschaften.