Carollo, A.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
Software. The Comprehensive R Archive Network: CRAN. (2024)
Carollo, A.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Putter, H.; Gampe, J.:
Statistics in Medicine, 1–15. (2024)

Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
arXiv e-prints 2408.15058. unpublished. (2024)

Böhnstedt, M.; Gampe, J.; Caljouw, M. A. A.; Putter, H.:
Lifetime Data Analysis, 1–23. (2023)
Carollo, A.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Putter, H.; Gampe, J.:
arXiv e-prints 2305.09342. unpublished. (2023)

Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
SocArXiv papers. unpublished. (2023)

Reusch, C.; Scheuerlein, A.; Grosche, L.; Meier, F.; Gampe, J.; Dammhahn, M.; van Schaik , J.; Kerth, G.:
Oikos 2023:4, 1–10. (2023)

Belzile, L. R.; Davison, A. C.; Gampe, J.; Rootzén, H.; Zholud, D.:
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 9, 21–45. (2022)
Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM), Trieste, Italy, 18–22 July 2022, 123–128. Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste. (2022)

Böhnstedt, M.; Gampe, J.; Putter, H.:
Lifetime Data Analysis 27:3, 333–356. (2021)

Böhnstedt, M.; Putter, H.; Dańko, A.; Dańko, M. J.; Gampe, J.:
Biometrical Journal 63:2, 323–340. (2021)

Gampe, J.:
In: Exceptional lifespans, 29–35. Cham: Springer. (2021)

Hale, J. M.; Schneider, D. C.; Gampe, J.; Mehta, N. K.; Myrskylä, M.:
Epidemiology 32:5, 717–720. (2021)
Carollo, A.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Guimarães, Portugal, July 7-12, 2019, volume II, 96–100. Statistical Modelling Society. (2020)
Carollo, A.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling: July 20-24, 2020, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain, 31–34. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. (2020)

Hale, J. M.; Schneider, D. C.; Gampe, J.; Mehta, N. K.; Myrskylä, M.:
Epidemiology 31:5, 745–754. (2020)

Höhn, A.; Gampe, J.; Lindahl-Jacobsen, R.; Christensen, K.; Oksuzyan, A.:
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 74:7, 573–579. (2020)

Böhnstedt, M.; Gampe, J.:
Statistics and Probability Letters 150, 68–73. (2019)
Böhnstedt, M.; Putter, H.; Ouellette, N.; Claeskens, G.; Gampe, J.:
arXiv e-prints 1905.05760. unpublished. (2019)

Camarda, C. G.; Gampe, J.:
Statistical Modelling 19:3, 223–224. (2019)

Oksuzyan, A.; Sauer, T.; Gampe, J.; Höhn, A.; Wod, M.; Christensen, K.; Wastesson, J. W.:
Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 74:5, 742–747. (2019)

Reusch, C.; Gampe, J.; Scheuerlein, A.; Meier, F.; Grosche, L.; Kerth, G.:
Ecology and Evolution 9:14, 7957–7965. (2019)

Camarda, C. G.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society/C 66:5, 893–918. (2017)

Fleischer, T.; Gampe, J.; Scheuerlein, A.; Kerth, G.:
Scientific Reports 7:7370, 1–9. (2017)

Camarda, C. G.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
Statistical Modelling 16:4, 279–296. (2016)

Gampe, J.; Putter, H.; Eilers, P. H. C.:
In: Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Linz, Austria, 6-10 July 2015, 181–186. Linz: Johannes Kepler University. (2015)
Rizzi, S.; Gampe, J.; Eilers, P. H. C.:
American Journal of Epidemiology 182:2, 138–147. (2015)
Schaible, R.; Scheuerlein, A.; Dańko, M. J.; Gampe, J.; Martinez, D. E.; Vaupel, J. W.:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112:51, 15701–15706. (2015)
Deelen, J.; Beekman, M.; Uh, H.-W.; Broer, L.; Ayers, K. L.; Tan, Q.; Kamatani, Y.; Bennet, A. M.; Tamm, T.; Trompet, S.; Guðbjartsson, D. F.; Flachsbart, F.; Rose, G.; Viktorin, A.; Fischer, K.; Nygaard, M.; Cordell, H. J.; Crocco, P.; van den Akker, E. B.; Böhringer, S.; Helmer, Q.; Nelson, C. P.; Saunders, G. I.; Alver, M.; Andersen-Ranberg, K.; Breen, M. E.; van der Breggen, R.; Caliebe, A.; Capri, M.; Cevenini, E.; Collerton, J. C.; Dato, S.; Davies, K.; Ford, I.; Gampe, J.; Garagnani, P.; de Geus, E. J. C.; Harrow, J.; van Heemst, D.; Heijmans, B. T.; Heinsen, F.-A.; Hottenga, J.-J.; Hofman, A.; Jeune, B.; Jonsson, P. V.; Lathrop, M. G.; Lechner, D.; Martin-Ruiz, C.; Mcnerlan, S. E.; Mihailov, E.; Montesanto, A.; Mooijaart, .S P.; Murphy, A.; Nohr, E. A.; Paternoster, L.; Postmus, I.; Rivadeneira, F.; Ross, O. A.; Salvioli, S.; Sattar, N.; Schreiber, S.; Stefánsson, H.; Stott, D. J.; Tiemeier, H.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; Westendorp, R. G. J.; Willemsen, G.; Samani, N. J.; Galan, P.; Sørensen, T. I. A.; Boomsma, D. I.; Jukema, J. W; Rea, I. M.; Passarino, G.; de Craen, A. J. M.; Christensen, K.; Nebel, A.; Stefánsson, K.; Metspalu, A.; Magnusson, P.; Blanché, H.; Christiansen, L.; Kirkwood, T. B. L.; van Duijn, C. M.; Franceschi, C.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J. J.; Slagboom, P. E.:
Human Molecular Genetics 23:16, 4420–4432. (2014)
Steiniger, A.; Uhrmacher, A. M.; Zinn, S.; Gampe, J.; Willekens, F. J.:
In: Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2978–2989. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press . (2014)
van den Hout, A.; Ogurtsova, E.; Gampe, J.; Matthews, F.:
Demographic Research 30:42, 1219–1244. (2014)
Beekman, M.; Blanché, H.; Perola, M.; Hervonen, A.; Bezrukov, V.; Sikora, E.; Flachsbart, F.; Christiansen, L.; de Craen, A. J. M.; Kirkwood, T. B. L.; Rea, I. M.; Poulain, M.; Robine, J.-M.; Valensin, S.; Stazi, M. A.; Passarino, G.; Deiana, L.; Gonos, E. S.; Paternoster, L.; Sørensen, T. I. A.; Tan, Q.; Helmer, Q.; van den Akker, E. B.; Deelen, J.; Martella, F.; Cordell, H. J.; Ayers, K. L.; Vaupel, J. W.; Törnwall, O.; Johnson, T. E.; Schreiber, S.; Lathrop, M. G.; Skytthe, A.; Westendorp, R. G. J.; Christensen, K.; Gampe, J.; Nebel, A.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J. J.; Slagboom, P. E.; Franceschi, C.:
Aging Cell 12:2, 184–193. (2013)
Camarda, C. G.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Palermo 8-12 July, 2013: volume 1, part II, 97–102. Palermo: Università di Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche e Matematiche. (2013)
Rizzi, S.; Gampe, J.; Eilers, P. H. C.:
In: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Palermo 8 - 12 July, 2013: volume 2, 757–760. Palermo, Italy: Università di Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche e Matematiche. (2013)
Zinn, S.; Himmelspach, J.; Uhrmacher, A. M.; Gampe, J.:
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16:3, 5–5. (2013)
Camarda, C. G.; Gampe, J.; Eilers, P. H. C.:
In: Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Prague 16 - 20 July, 2012, 57–62. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University, Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. (2012)
Maier, H.; Gampe, J.; Vaupel, J. W.:
Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand 8:1, 1–2. (2011)
Skytthe, A.; Valensin, S.; Jeune, B.; Cevenini, E.; Balard, F.; Beekman, M.; Bezrukov, V.; Blanché, H.; Bolund, L.; Broczek, K.; Carru, C.; Christensen, K.; Christiansen, L.; Collerton, J. C.; Cotichini, R.; de Craen, A. J. M.; Dato, S.; Davies, K.; De Benedictis, G.; Deiana, L.; Flachsbart, F.; Gampe, J.; Gilbault, C.; Gonos, E. S.; Haimes, E.; Hervonen, A.; Hurme, M. A.; Janiszewska, D.; Jylhä, M.; Kirkwood, T. B. L.; Kristensen, P.; Laiho, P.; Leon, A.; Marchisio, A.; Masciulli, R.; Nebel, A.; Passarino, G.; Pelicci, P. G.; Peltonen, L.; Perola, M.; Poulain, M.; Rea, I. M.; Remacle, J.; Robine, J.-M.; Schreiber, S.; Scurti, M.; Sevini, F.; Sikora, E.; Skouteri, A.; Slagboom, P. E.; Spazzafumo, L.; Stazi, M. A.; Toccaceli, V.; Toussaint, O.; Törnwall, O.; Vaupel, J. W.; Voutetakis, K.; Franceschi, C.:
Experimental Gerontology 46:11, 934–945. (2011)
Camarda, C. G.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Glasgow 5 - 9 July, 2010, 113–118. Glasgow, UK: University of Glasgow, Department of Statistics. (2010)
Cournil, A.; Jeune, B.; Skytthe, A.; Gampe, J.; Passarino, G.; Robine, J.-M.:
Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 65A:10, 1101–1106. (2010)
Cournil, A.; Robine, J.-M.; Maier, H.; Gampe, J.; Vaupel, J. W.:
In: Supercentenarians, 31–40. Berlin [et al.]: Springer. (2010)
Cournil, A.; Robine, J.-M.; Maier, H.; Gampe, J.; Vaupel, J. W.:
In: Supercentenarians, 31–40. Berlin [et al.]: Springer. (2010)
Gampe, J.:
In: Supercentenarians, 219–230. Berlin [et al.]: Springer. (2010)
Gampe, J.:
In: Supercentenarians, 219–230. Berlin [et al.]: Springer. (2010)
Maier, H.; Gampe, J.; Jeune, B.; Robine, J.-M.; Vaupel, J. W.:
Heidelberg [et al.]: Springer, Demographic research monographs 07. (2010)

Maier, H.; Scholz, R. D.:
In: Supercentenarians, 173–189. Berlin [et al.]: Springer. (2010)
Marx, B. D.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.; Rau, R.:
Statistics and Computing 20:2, 191–202. (2010)
Ogurtsova, E.; Gampe, J.; Zinn, S.:
In: Work session on demographic projections: Lisbon, 28-30 April 2010, 525–539. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. (2010)
Zinn, S.; Gampe, J.; Himmelspach, J.; Uhrmacher, A. M.:
In: Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference: Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (DEVS 2010); Book 4 of 9, 87–94. Red Hook, NY: Curran. (2010)
Camarda, C. G.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Ithaca 20 - 24 July, 2009, 81–88. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Department of Biological Statistics and Computational Biology. (2009)
Zinn, S.; Himmelspach, J.; Gampe, J.; Uhrmacher, A. M.:
In: Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference: December 13 - 16, 2009, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.; inclusion of MASM (Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing)[CD-ROM]. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (2009)
Camarda, C. G.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Utrecht 7 - 11 July, 2008, 149–154. Utrecht: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. (2008)
Camarda, C. G.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
Statistical Modelling 8:4, 385–401. (2008)
De Rango, F.; Dato, S.; Bellizzi, D.; Rose, G.; Marzi, E.; Cavallone, L.; Franceschi, C.; Skytthe, A.; Jeune, B.; Cournil, A.; Robine, J.-M.; Gampe, J.; Vaupel, J. W.; Mari, V.; Feraco, E.; Passarino, G.; Novelletto, A.; De Benedictis, G.:
European Journal of Human Genetics 16:2, 236–242. (2008)
Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.; Marx, B. D.; Rau, R.:
Statistics in Medicine 27:17, 3430–3441. (2008)
Gampe, J.; Eilers, P. H. C.:
In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Utrecht 7 - 11 July, 2008, 238–243. Utrecht: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. (2008)
Marx, B. D.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.; Rau, R.:
In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Utrecht 7 - 11 July, 2008, 339–344. Utrecht: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. (2008)
Camarda, C. G.; Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.:
In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Barcelona, July 2-6, 2007, 148–153. Barcelona: Institut d´Estadistica de Catalunya, IDESCAT. (2007)
Eilers, P. H. C.; Gampe, J.; Marx, B. D.; Rau, R.:
In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Barcelona, July 2-6, 2007, 239–244. Barcelona: Institut d´Estadistica de Catalunya, IDESCAT. (2007)
Gampe, J.:
European Journal of Population 23:1, 105–107. (2007)
Gampe, J.; Zinn, S.; Willekens, F. J.; van den Gaag, N.:
In: Work session on demographic projections: Bucharest, 10-12 October 2007, 229–233. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (2007)
Gampe, J.; Yashin, A. I.:
Demographic Research 14:3, 47–50. (2006)
Jeune, B.; Skytthe, A.; Cournil, A.; Greco, V.; Gampe, J.; Berardelli, M.; Andersen-Ranberg, K.; Passarino, G.; De Benedictis, G.; Robine, J.-M.:
Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 61A:7, 707–712. (2006)
Minois, N.; Frajnt, M.; Dölling, M.; Lagona, F.; Schmid, M.; Küchenhoff, H.; Gampe, J.; Vaupel, J. W.:
Biogerontology 7:4, 261–267. (2006)
Vaupel, J. W.; Schnabel, S.; von Kistowski, K. G.; Gampe, J.:
In: Demographiemonitor. Band 2: Handlungsoptionen im demographischen Wandel, 35–59. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. (2006)
Brockmann, H.; Gampe, J.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2005-007. (2005)

Robine, J.-M.; Cournil, A.; Gampe, J.; Vaupel, J. W.:
In: Living to 100 and beyond. Orlando, FL: Society of Actuaries. (2005)
Gampe, J.; Rau, R.:
In: Statistical modelling: proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Florence (Italy), 4-8 July, 2004
, 405–409. Florence: Firenze University Press. (2004)
Roach, D. A.; Gampe, J.:
American Naturalist 164:1, 60–69. (2004)
Vaupel, J. W.; Baudisch, A.; Dölling, M.; Roach, D. A.; Gampe, J.:
Theoretical Population Biology 65:4, 339–351. (2004)
Weise, S.; Boldsen, J. L.; Buckberry, J. L.; Doppler, S.; Gampe, J.; Grupe, G.; Hotz, G.; Larsen, C. S.; Kemkes-Grottenthaler, A.; Prince, D.; Vaupel, J. W.; Wahl, H.-W.; Wittwer-Backofen, U.:
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123:S38, 205–205. (2004)