Stellvertretende Leiterin (Fertilität und Wohlbefinden)

Susie Lee


Analyzing Male Fertility: Toward a Comparative Approach Details
Consequences of Sibling Group Structure Details
Costs and Gains of Postponing Parenthood Details
COVID-19 and Family Details
Medically Assisted Reproduction Details
Recent Trends in Fetal and Infant Mortality (Dissertation) Details
The Influence of Health and Cognition on Fertility Details

Publikationen am MPIDR

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Jung, M.; Lee, D. S.:
Demographic Research 48:30, 867–882. (2023)    
Lee, D. S.; Batyra, E.; Castro Torres, A. F.; Wilde, J.:
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290:1998, 1–16. (2023)
Lee, D. S.; Nitsche, N.; Barclay, K. J.:
Population Studies 77:2, 241–261. (2023)    
Lee, D. S.; Semenchenko, H.:
MPIDR Working Paper WP-2023-011. (2023)    
Lee, D. S.; Semenchenko, H.:
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, 1–11. (2023)    

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