December 16, 2015 | Defo News

Decline in dementia


The new issue (Nr. 4/2015) of Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand, the popular science newsletter with latest research results from demography, has been released. (The Newsletter is available in German only.)

Topics of the 4/2015 issue:



1. Decline in dementia

Relative incidence is decreasing by two percent annually for older women

In 2010, 1.4 million people in Germany were suffering from dementia. With rising life expectancy, this figure could double, or even triple over the next 40 years. But there is a ray of hope: while the absolute numbers are rising, the proportion of women in the 75-84 age group who have dementia has been decreasing.

2. Aging of human capital

More education is not necessarily a panacea for demographic change

It is widely expected that the negative effects of an aging population will be mitigated if a large share of the population is well-educated. But a new study now shows that the opposite might be the case, as pension funds may be burdened even more if the share of the population with a high level of education continues to grow.

3. Coming to stay?

German language skills, citizenship, and family context determine the intention to stay of migrant workers

As the immigration of qualified workers is of considerable importance for a society that is growing older, a strategy of attracting these kinds of migrants has been vigorously pursued in Germany for a number of years. But how many migrant workers actually end up staying in the country is unclear. A new study now shows that incentives for permanent immigration strongly depend on the migrants’ country of origin.

"Demografische Forschung Aus Erster Hand" is a joint publication of the Max Planck Institute for demographic Research (MPIDR), the Rostocker Zentrum zur Erforschung des Demografischen Wandels (RZ), the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID), the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital and the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB). The newsletter is released four times a year and is available electronically and as a printed version and is free of charge.

All past issues are available online on the Newsletter website. On the website you also have the possibility to subscribe to the Newsletter to get informed about the release of the new issues or to receive the printed versions by mail.








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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.