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March 02, 2023 | Media Coverage

Covid-19 Experts at the MPIDR

Collecting and evaluating data correctly is of great importance, especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic. As social scientists and data researchers, our demographers are currently in great demand. A selection of their media coverage. more

February 27, 2023 | Welcome to the MPIDR

Sanny Boy Domingo Afable is a new PhD Student at the Laboratory of Population Health


Sanny Boy Domingo Afable comes from the Population Institute of the University of the Philippines to the MPIDR. There he obtained his Master of Arts in Demography. He is part of the joint St Andrews–Max Planck PhD Studentship. He is going to work at the MPIDR until October 2024 and will complete the program in St Andrews.  more

February 14, 2023 | Welcome to the MPIDR

Mandy Passehl is the New Assistant Managing Editor for the Journal Demographic Research


Mandy Passehl is excited about accompanying the publication process of scientific studies and is sure that the new position is a good fit for her. In her free time, she enjoys reading and watching movies from Charlie Chaplin to Quentin Tarantino. more

January 31, 2023 | Research Funding

ERC Grant for Joshua Wilde


Joshua Wilde receives a 1.94 million Euro grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to conduct the project “Natural Sex Ratios at Birth and Missing Women: New Evidence and Implications”.  more

January 27, 2023 | Research Grant

MPIDR is Part of the Research Consortium of the Horizon Europe Project PREMIUM_EU

A consortium headed by the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) has obtained a large Horizon Europe Framework project, with the title: Policy REcommendations to Maximise the beneficial Impact of Unexplored Mobilities in and beyond the European Union: PREMIUM_EU. From the MPIDR, Maciej Danko and Emilio Zagheni will participate in the New Mobility Data work package. more

January 17, 2023 | Call for Papers

Ageing and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

A group of researchers, including Alyson van Raalte from the MPIDR, invites submissions of original and review articles to be featured in a special issue on ageing and health in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is centered around the three priority areas of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing: older persons and development, advancing health and well-being into old age, and ensuring enabling and supportive environments. more

January 12, 2023 | Research Funding

Marília Nepomuceno Receives DAAD Grant


MPIDR Researcher Marília Nepomuceno received a grant from DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) to promote research cooperation between Germany and Brazil for an in-depth assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Brazilian population dynamics. more

January 06, 2023 | Doctoral School

The Fourth IMPRS-PHDS Annual Academy was a Great Success, with nearly 100 Participants Attending


For three days in December 2022, the PhD students of the International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS) exchanged ideas, presented their work, and networked with other researchers at the Annual Academy. After two years of virtual meetings due to the pandemic, this Annual Academy was the largest gathering since the doctoral school's inception in 2019. more

December 22, 2022 | Season’s Greetings

Begin 2023 with new Courage and Energy

We wish all our employees, alumni, and friends of the Institute and Demography overall, a very happy holiday season and a good start into the new year. more

December 09, 2022 | Prize for Excellent Paper

Ben Malinga John is Granted the Jan M. Hoem Paper Award


The paper which examines differences in fertility levels between remarried women and women in intact unions in Sub-Saharan Africa by Ben Malinga John and a colleague was granted the award in the name of former MPIDR Director Jan M. Hoem. more


Head of the Department of Public Relations and Event Organization

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Science Communication Editor

Christine Ruhland


+49 381 2081-157

Science Communication Editor

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.