September 06, 2021 | News | Conference

Life Course Analysis

Theoretical Perspectives, Methodological Innovations, and Empirical Applications  

  • Date of Event: October 26, and 27, 2021
  • Venue: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock 
  • Organizing Committee: Christian Dudel, Mine Kühn, Mikko Myrskylä

Goal: The life course approach has made a lasting impact on the social sciences. It provides a dynamic perspective on individual lives, which are seen as evolving processes shaped by critical transitions. Moreover, the approach stresses the embeddedness of individual life courses in socioeconomic and cultural contexts. This perspective has been highly influential across many disciplines, and it has spawned a rich and fast-evolving literature. The main goal of this event is to bring together researchers to present and discuss recent developments in life course analysis and to contribute to advancing the field.

Format: 20 minutes in total per talk, 12-13 minutes for presentation, 7-8 minutes of discussion.

Online participation: Online participation will be open to everyone. If you would like to participate virtually please send an email to with your name and your affiliation.  


Tuesday, October 26 
09:00-10:30    Keynote A. Fasang 
11:00-12:20    Session: Internal and international migration 
13:30-14:50    Session: Quantitative and qualitative methods 
15:20-16:40    Session: Health and mortality 

Wednesday, October 27 
09:00-10:30    Keynote L. Leopold 
11:00-12:20    Session: Family and fertility 
13:30-14:50    Session: Theory and methods 
15:20-16:40    Session: Work and inequality 

(All times are local Rostock time: CEST/UTC+2) 

Program Tuesday, October 26 

09:00-10:30   Keynote: Life Courses and Political Behavior
                      (Anette Fasang, Humboldt-Universität Berlin) 

10:30-11:00    Coffee break (30 minutes) 

11:00-12:20    Session: Internal and international migration
                      (Chair: Silvia Loi, MPIDR) 

  1. Trajectories of adaptation over the life course: A multidimensional analysis for the children of immigrants (Eleonora Mussino, Stockholm University; Caroline Uggla, Stockholm University; Ben Wilson*, Stockholm University) 
  2. Life Course Events and Roles Explain Internal Migration in Young Adulthood (Jonathan Horowitz*, University of Toronto; Barbara Entwisle, University of North Carolina) 
  3. Migration Capital: Do past migration experiences affect the formation and realisation of migration intentions? (Aude Bernard*, University of Queensland; Sunganani Kalemba; Toan Nguyen) 
  4. Internal migration toward siblings in later life (Alyona Artamonova*, University of Groningen; Brian Joseph Gillespie, University of Groningen) 

12:20-13:30    Lunch break (70 minutes)

13:30-14:50    Session: Quantitative and qualitative methods
                      (Chair: Christian Dudel, MPIDR) 

  1. From sequences to variables – rethinking the relationship of sequences and outcomes (Satu Helske*, University of Turku; Jouni Helske, University of Jyväskylä; Guilherme Chihaya, Umeå University) 
  2. Life-course-sensitive analysis of group inequalities in old age: Combining Multichannel Sequence Analysis with the Kitagawa-Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition (Carla Rowold*, University of Oxford; Emanuela Struffolino, University of Milan; Anna Hammerschmid, German Institute for Economic Research; Anette Fasang, Humboldt-University Berlin) 
  3. Intergenerational class mobility in the life course of several birth cohorts in West Germany (1945–2008): A Long-term Longitudinal Analysis Identifying Age, Period, and Cohort (Rolf Becker*, University of Bern; Hans-Peter Blossfeld, University of Bamberg; Karl Ulrich Mayer, Max Planck Institute for Human Development) 
  4. Life courses lived internationally: Qualitative panel studies in migration research (Justyna Salamońska*, University of Warsaw) 

14:50-15:20    Coffee break (30 minutes) 

15:20-16:40    Session: Health and mortality
                       (Chair: Mine Kühn, MPIDR) 

  1. The contribution of childhood adversity to the socioeconomic gradient in premature mortality in a prospective 1953 Swedish cohort (Josephine Jackisch*, Stockholm University; Alyson van Raalte, MPIDR) 
  2. Partnership trajectories into Medically Assisted Reproduction (Alina Pelikh*, University College London; Alice Goisis, University College London; Hanna Remes, University of Helsinki; Niina Metsä-Simola, University of Helsinki) 
  3. A Life-Course Perspective on Cognitive Ageing: Explaining Gendered Trajectories in Memory Functioning (Ariane Bertogg*, University of Konstanz; Anja Leist, University of Luxembourg) 
  4. Child and adolescent prescription medication use - neighborhood and family effects (Elina Hiltunen*, University of Helsinki; Heta Moustgaard, University of Helsinki; Lasse Tarkiainen, University of Helsinki; Pekka Martikainen, University of Helsinki) 

18:30 Social program 

Program Wednesday, October 27 

09:00-10:30   Keynote: Individual and social change in mental health
                      (Liliya Leopold, University of Amsterdam) 

10:30-11:00    Coffee break (30 minutes) 

11:00-12:20    Session: Family and fertility
                      (Chair: Andres Castro, MPIDR) 

  1. Partnership trajectories and women’s reproductive outcomes in Spain (Sergi Vidal*, Centre for Demographic Studies, Barcelona; Danilo Bolano, Bocconi University) 
  2. Family Life Course Theory in a New Millennium: Perspectives on Interdependence and Inequality Through Linked Lives (Kevin Roy*, University of Maryland; Richard Settersten, Oregon State University) 
  3. Strategies of Informal Caregivers to Adapt Work: A Life Course Question? (Klara Raiber*, Radboud University; Mark Visser; Ellen Verbakel) 
  4. Trying again: reconciling after cohabitation and marital separation (Edith Gray*, Australian National University; Ann Evans, Australian National University) 

12:20-13:30    Lunch break (70 minutes) 

13:30-14:50    Session: Theory and methods
                       (Chair: Angelo Lorenti, MPIDR) 

  1. “Linked life cubes”: an extension of the life course cube framework for linked lives (Lauren Bishop*, Stockholm University) 
  2. Combining propensity score matching and sequence analysis for time-varying events – a study of changes in professional and educational trajectories pre- and post- first childbirth (Sara Kalucza*, Umeå University; Matthias Studer, University of Geneva) 
  3. Introducing Network Analysis to Measure Early Life Adversity (Tjeerd Rudmer de Vries*, University of Groningen; Iris Arends, University of Groningen; Naja Hulvej Rod, University of Copenhagen; Tineke Oldehinkel, University of Groningen; Ute Bültmann, University of Groningen) 
  4. The Link Between Previous Life Trajectories and a Later-Life Outcome: A Feature Selection Approach (Danilo Bolano*, Bocconi University; Matthias Studer, University of Geneva)   

14:50-15:20    Coffee break (30 minutes) 

15:20-17:00    Session: Work and inequality
                       (Chair: Jo Hale, University of St Andrews) 

  1. Family formation, commuting and the motherhood wage penalty – evidence on the emergence of wage disadvantages over the life course (Thomas Skora*, Federal Institute for Population Research; Heiko Rüger, Federal Institute for Population Research; Nico Stawarz, Federal Institute for Population Research) 
  2. Growing educational inequalities in subjective wellbeing across the life course: The role of differential risks and consequences of couples’ unemployment (Jonas Voßemer, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research; Anna Baranowska-Rataj*, Umeå University) 
  3. The intergenerational transmission of income in young adulthood: A life course perspective on the accumulation of disadvantage over the careers of Canadians (Xavier St-Denis*, Institut national de la recherche scientifique; Chih-lan Winnie Yang, McGill University) 
  4. Work-Family Trajectories Across European Countries and Social Groups (Mustafa Firat*, Radboud University; Mark Visser; Gerbert Kraaykamp) 
  5. What are young people doing after premature termination of their Vocational training? Analysis of the subsequent educational pathways (Maria Richter*, SOFI Göttingen; Christian Michaelis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) 

18:30 Social program 

Download Program (PDF File, 113 kB).

Organizing Committee

There are no fees for the event. Participants are expected to seek their own funding for travel and lodging. IMPRS-PHDS will reimburse travel and housing expenses for participating IMPRS-PHDS students. A limited amount of financial support for participation is available for junior scientists or scientists from low or middle-income countries, but will be awarded on a competitive basis. Please indicate the request for such funding at the time of abstract submission. 


Head of the Department of Public Relations and Event Organization

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Science Communication Editor

Christine Ruhland


+49 381 2081-157

Science Communication Editor

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

Organizing Committee

Deputy Head (Research Group: Labor Demography)

Christian Dudel


+49 381 2081-221

Research fellow

Mine Kühn


The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.