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February 28, 2023
An international team including MPIDR Researchers is the first to offer a global and dynamic view on the migration of academics by gender. The paper recently published in PNAS finds that while female researchers were less internationally mobile than men, the gender gap has shrunk considerably over the past 20 years. more
February 17, 2023
Personality traits such as agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion affect the probability of having children. MPIDR doctoral student Steffen Peters demonstrates this in his new study using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel study. more
February 03, 2023
How long people live is less predictable and life expectancy for young people can be as much as 14 years shorter in violent countries compared to peaceful countries, according to a new study from an international team, including MPIDR Researchers. It reveals a direct link between the uncertainty of living in a violent setting, even for those not directly involved in the violence, and a ‘double burden’ of shorter and less predictable lives. more
January 23, 2023
Two researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock, Germany analyzed union dissolution in 34 sub-Saharan African countries over the past four decades by applying indirect demographic techniques in a novel way to overcome the lack of data. more
January 19, 2023
A team of researchers from the Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography at the MPIDR produced a database that contains the number of academics per country, and the migration flows and rates from 1996 to 2021. They also analyzed the relationship between emigration and economic development per country. Their findings indicate that the patterns for the migration of academics may be widely different from the population-level ones, not necessarily leading to brain-drain. more
January 17, 2023
The world of a couple changes fundamentally after childbirth. Whether the partners are as satisfied with their relationship then as they were during their childless phase hinges in part on how fair they perceive the division of labor to be. If women consider the work load as stable unfair, their relationship satisfaction drops markedly after the birth of a child. This does not apply to men, however. more
December 15, 2022
MPIDR PhD Student Jiaxin Shi and his co-authors modeled later-life work dynamics in the US using longitudinal survey data to show how much the timespan spent in retirement differs between educational groups. more
November 17, 2022
A team of researchers used longitudinal survey data from the late 1950s US birth cohort to show how sex and ethnicity relate to how weight (BMI) during early adulthood predicts later childlessness. The study was recently published in the journal “Population Studies”. more
November 07, 2022
Researchers of the Digital and Computational Demography Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) and colleagues recently published a paper in the “Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A” which systematically assesses the quality of Facebook’s ads data for use in social science research. They assessed the accuracy of this data by comparing self-reported and Facebook-classified demographic information on sex, age and region of residence of more than 133,000 users recruited via an online survey. Their results suggest that Facebook’s ads data can be used when additional steps are taken to validate the accuracy of the information under consideration. more
November 03, 2022
Birth rates in Scandinavia used to be the highest in Europe for long, but since 2010 they have declined faster than expected, such as in Finland where they have slumped to an all-time low. A study by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research now investigates the extent to which there are differences in fertility at the sub-national regional level. more