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May 30, 2022 | Press Release

Why is Cardiovascular Mortality Stagnating in the USA?

Cardiovascular-related mortality has been stalling in the USA since about 2010. This is exceptional compared to other high life expectancy countries as it appeared earlier and has been more pronounced. A reason for this development is that mortality for some kinds of cardiovascular diseases has stalled, others even increased. This is what a team including MPIDR Researchers found and published in their recent study, part of a Issue Supplement in the Journals of Gerontology: Series B. more

May 30, 2022 | News | Interview

Why is Health in the US Continuing to Lag Behind?

Health and mortality in the United States ranks poorly by international standards. In 2010, life expectancy at birth in the United States was a full year lower than the average of 27 European Union countries; in the subsequent decade the shortfall doubled; and the COVID-19 pandemic has further widened the gap. A new Special Issue published in the Journals of Gerontology: Series B analyses the reasons for the US poor performance. more

May 23, 2022 | News | Interview

How to Use Bibliometric Data for Demographic Research


Bibliometric data, information extracted from scientific publications, can be considered as a source of digital trace data. In this interview, MPIDR Researcher Aliakbar Akbaritabar explains how re-purposing bibliometric data allows answering social science and demographic questions more

May 16, 2022 | Press Release

Demographic Analysis Reveals the Long Shadow of Genocide in Guatemala

Diego Alburez-Gutierrez

What are the long-term consequences of genocide for survivors? A new study by MPIDR researcher Diego Alburez-Gutierrez documents the mortality toll from the Maya Achi genocide in Guatemala and the role that it may play for historical memory. more

May 13, 2022 | News | Interview

How to Calculate Excess Mortality to Better Estimate the Impact of the Pandemic


Excess mortality is an often-used measure to estimate the mortality burden due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Marília Nepomuceno, Dmitri Jdanov and colleagues looked at factors that affect this measure. In this interview they explain why excess mortality rates vary substantially when changing data and methods and recommend ways to better calculate excess mortality. more

May 11, 2022 | News | Interview

“No Single Metric Is a Panacea”


Jiaxin Shi, PhD Student in the Research Group: Lifespan Inequalities and colleagues suggest to use the stratification index to analyze mortality inequalities between groups. In the interview he explains why this metric offers a new perspective and what he found when applying it to Finnish register data. more

May 10, 2022 | Press Release

UK: Testosterone Reduces Risk of Becoming Unemployed Pimpisarn

British men with comparatively high testosterone levels are less likely to become unemployed and have an increased chance to find a new job. That is what the recent study by Peter Eibich, Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock and colleagues finds. The paper was published in “Economics & Human Biology”. more

April 28, 2022 | News | Congratulations

Lydia Palumbo Obtained Her Doctorate


Lydia Palumbo successfully defended her dissertation at the University of Southampton on April, 13th. The thesis was accepted without corrections, which is unusual. more

April 04, 2022 | News

New Research Group on Kinship Inequalities

A new independent Max Planck Research Group led by Diego Alburez-Gutierrez will be launched in May. The group will study how differences in kinship among persons and groups determine individual outcomes and structure human societies. more

April 04, 2022 | News

New Research Group on Gender Inequalities and Fertility

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) will launch a new independent Max Planck Research Group in June, focusing on explanations why family life events such as union formation, separation, parenthood and family extension play out differently for women and men. The group is led by Nicole Hiekel. more


Head of the Department of Public Relations and Publications

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Science Communication Editor

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.