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November 13, 2015 | New Publication

Gender Differences in Health and Disability

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Women in developed countries live longer than men, but on average they have poorer health and more disabilities. Max Planck India Fellow Nandita Saikia investigates whether these differences also apply to men and women in India. more

October 26, 2015 | New publication

Childhood shapes attitude to motherhood Franziska Schellhaas

Women in Eastern Germany on average have children earlier than women in the old Länder. But what about Eastern German women who migrated to the west? MPIDR-researcher Anja Vatterrott has looked at this question to determine whether it is external conditions or rather socialization that influences the birth behavior. more

October 21, 2015 | Suessmilch Lecture

Lifespan Extension with Varying Cause-of-Death Trajectories

Life expectancy is increasing in many prosperous countries to a similar extent. However, the development of the distribution of cause of death differs from country to country.  A newly convened researchers IUSSP Panel aims now at examining these differences. The Chairman of the Panel, Ulrich Mueller, will give a talk about the project on October 27. more

October 20, 2015 | Suessmilch Lecture

Modeling Choice

How can human characteristics like values, habit, and social influences be dealt with in statistics? On October 28, 2015 Joan Walker from the University of California, Berkeley, will give answers during a Süßmilch Lecture at the MPIDR. more

October 17, 2015 | Max Planck Research

A Hint of Immortality


Eternal life lasts a very long time. MPIDR researcher Ralf Schaible can already affirm that the freshwater polyp Hydra comes quite close to this ideal. In a long-term experiment he and his colleagues investigate why, under certain circumstances, Hydra doesn’t age. more

October 16, 2015 | Suessmilch Lecture

Agent-based modeling in demography: Epistemological and methodological challenges

On October 26, demographer Jakub Bijak of the University of Southampton will give a lecture at the MPIDR. He will talk about the epistemological and methodological challenges demographers face when using agent-based modeling. more

October 13, 2015 | Suessmilch Lecture

Social influence in networks

On October 21, mathematician Tom Snijders will give a lecture at the MPIDR. He will explain how to study peer influence in networks using the stochastic actor-oriented model. more

October 13, 2015

Mikko Myrskylä receives Jutikkala Prize

MPIDR director Mikko Myrskylä has been awarded the Jutikkala Prize by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters on October 12. The prize brings a cash award of 15.000 euros. more

October 09, 2015 | Suessmilch Lecture

The theory of planned behavior

On October 19, psychologist Icek Ajzen from the University of Massachusetts will give a lecture about the theory of planned behavior at the MPIDR. The theory is one of the most popular and widely applied reasoned action models. more

October 08, 2015 | Demografische Forschung aus Erster Hand

Is there a guide to long life?

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At age 40, Finns, Swedes, and Norwegians have reached the mid-point of life. Whether an individual has more or fewer than 40 additional years to live after reaching age 40 depends on the person’s sex. But almost as important as sex in determining life expectancy is whether the person belongs to the so-called “vanguard”. more


Head of the Department of Public Relations and Publications

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Science Communication Editor

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.