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November 16, 2023 | Award

Best Research Article Award for Nathan Robbins


Last week, Nathan Robbins of the Gender Inequality and Fertility Research Group was awarded the Best Research Article Award by the National Council on Family Relations and its Men in Families Focus Group. Nathan received the award for his paper, "Child support debt and the well-being of disadvantaged fathers of color," which was published in the Journal of Marriage and Family. more

November 14, 2023 | New faces at MPIDR

Welcome, Irena Chen!


The Laboratory of Population Dynamics and Sustainable Well-Being welcomes Irena Chen as a new team member. Irena comes from the University of Michigan, where she received her PhD in Biostatistics. Over the next three years, Irena plans to focus on Bayesian hierarchical models, correlated time series, and latent variable methods with applications in demography, epidemiology, and precision medicine. more

November 13, 2023

Congratulations Bettina Hünteler


Bettina Hünteler successfully defended her dissertation on "Generational Placement Trajectories and Their Associations with Later-Life Well-Being and Wealth Accumulation" at the University of Cologne on November 8, 2023. more

November 07, 2023 | New faces at MPIDR

Welcome, Yvette Young!


The Laboratory of Migration and Mobility welcomes Yvette Young as a new member. Yvette came from the University of Utah and obtained her PhD in Sociology. The title of her dissertation is: “‘Making Do’ in the Land of Opportunity: An Exploration of the Economic Integration of Refugees in Utah”. After completing her dissertation, Yvette was a postdoctoral research fellow for the Vietnam Health and Aging Study, focusing on the long-term effects of conflict and migration. While working for us during the next three years, Yvette wants to focus – among other topics – on refugee reception and integration. more

November 03, 2023 | New faces at MPIDR

Welcome, Ricardo Ulbricht!


Ricardo Ulbricht joined the team of the journal Demographic Research a few weeks ago. Ricardo studied German and English/American Studies at the University of Rostock. Since 2013, he has been working full-time as a freelancer in various fields: Graphic design and editing for websites in the cultural sector; editing, layout, proofreading/editing e.g. for university publications and some magazines of the Heise Group like Technology Review or c't special issues. more

November 01, 2023 | New faces at MPIDR

Welcome, Maria Laura Miranda!


The MPIDR is happy to welcome Maria Laura Miranda to the team of the Laboratory of Population Dynamics and Sustainable Well-Being. Maria comes from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where she obtained her Master's in Demography. The title of her thesis is: "Forecasting Life Expectancy in São Paulo City, Brazil, amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic". Maria was also part of the  European Doctoral School of Demography, where she worked on the different measures of period shocks on mortality. more

October 24, 2023 | New Publication

The Inequality in Pension Payments Over the Life Course

In modern societies, there is great inequality in the amount of pension that men and women receive over the course of their lives. This inequality is a consequence of both the fact that some people live long lives and the fact that the amount of pension people receive varies widely. Although this inequality is larger than inequalities in wages, for example, it is rarely studied. In a recent paper, Jiaxin Shi of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and Martin Kolk of the Stockholm University examined these inequalities in lifetime pensions in Sweden. more

October 10, 2023 | Spotlight

Mortality in Retirement Ages - the Key Reason why U.S. Life Expectancy is not Increasing Anymore

Life expectancy in the U.S. has stopped increasing since 2010, after decades of steady increase. Meanwhile, most other countries have continued to experience improvements in life expectancy. Previous research has suggested that the poor performance of U.S. is because of high mortality of the working age population. A new study shows that the most important reason for the stagnating life expectancy is high mortality in retirement ages. This has serious implications for life expectancy in the United States. more

October 05, 2023 | Award

Promising and Upcoming: European Demographer Award for Diego Alburez-Gutierrez


The MPIDR is happy to share that Diego Alburez-Gutierrez will receive the European Demographer Award 2023. Diego has been selected for this year’s Award for a promising and upcoming researcher who obtained their Ph.D. within the period of 2017-2022. more

October 04, 2023 | New faces at MPIDR

Welcome, Amanda Martins de Almeida!


Amanda joins the researchgroup "Kinship Inequalities". During her three years with us, she will focus on quantifying intergenerational transfers using a kinship demographic framework. This will include deriving measures of kin availability by educational attainment groups in Latin America and other developing countries. Amanda will also work on incorporating a health component into models of kinship and life expectancy. more


Head of the Department of Public Relations and Publications

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Science Communication Editor

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

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The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock is one of the leading demographic research centers in the world. It's part of the Max Planck Society, the internationally renowned German research society.