28. Juni 2022 | News | Zeitplan

MPIDR bei der European Population Conference 2022


Auch in diesem Jahr präsentieren viele MPIDR-Wissenschaftler*innen ihre Arbeit auf der European Population Conference vom 29. Juni bis zum 2. Juli in Groningen. Das Institut ist auf der Veranstaltung zudem mit einem Messestand vertreten, der Online-Auftritt ist hier zu finden: demogr.mpg.de/go/epc2022

Liste der MPIDR-Teilnehmenden (PDF-Datei, 5 MB)

29. Juni - 2. Juli 2022, Groningen

Konferenzteilnehmer*innen des Max-Planck-Instituts für demografische Forschung (MPIDR), Rostock (Auszug des Konferenzprogramms der EPC 2022; das vollständige Programm finden Sie unter: epc2022.eaps.nl/).

Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2022

09:00 - 10:30

Session 1. Remembering Jim Vaupel (1945-2022)

1-2. Emilio ZagheniMPIDR 

1-4. Andreas EdelMPIDR

Session 2. Poverty, Precariousness and Job Separations

2-5. Change in Time-Use Patterns and Union Dissolution Due to Involuntary Job Loss: A Comparison by the Gender and Migration Background. • Rishabh Tyagi and Peter EibichMPIDR; Vegard Skirbekk.

Session 3. Spatial Mobility over the Life Course

3-1. Internal versus International Scholarly Mobility and Migration Worldwide • Aliakbar AkbaritabarEmilio Zagheni, and Xinyi Zhao MPIDR.

11:00 - 12:30

Session 7. Intergenerational Relations and Inequality

7-4. The Effect of Partnership Long-Term Care Insurance Program on Employment • Emma ZaiMPIDR; Yinan Liu, Renmin University of China.

Session 11. Flash Session: Intersections of Family Formation and Employment During the Life Course

11-2. Penalty and Premium at Midlife? A Demographic Perspective Across Three Different Welfare Systems • Angelo Lorenti, MPIDR; Jessica Nisen, University of Turku; Mikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

14:00 - 15:30

Session 14. COVID-19 Mortality Across Groups and Subpopulations

14-2. Sex Differences in Covid-19 Mortality in the United States: A State-Level Analysis • Simona Bignami and Pietro Violo, Université de Montréal; Timothy Riffe, Ikerbasque & Universidad del Pais Vasco; Enrique AcostaMPIDR; Daniela Ghio, European Commission.

Session 19. Flash Session: Fertility and the COVID-19 Pandemic

19-6. From Bust to Boom? Birth and Fertility Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic • Tomas Sobotka, Vienna Institute of Demography; Aiva JasilionieneMPIDR; Krystof Zeman, Maria Winkler-Dworak and Zuzanna Brzozowska, Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences; László NémethMPIDRDmitri A. JdanovMPIDR / National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia).

19-7. COVID-19 and the Future of US Fertility: What Can We Learn from Google? • Joshua K. Wilde, Wei Chen, and Sophie Lohmann, MPIDR.

Session 20. Adding Healthy Life Years to Our Lives

20-5. Educational Gradient in Healthy Life Expectancies Across Europe – the Role of Institutional Structures • Donata Stonkute and Angelo LorentiMPIDR.

Session 21. International Migration

21-2. Does Aging Affect Health Differently in Immigrants and Natives? • Su Yeon JangMPIDR; Anna Oksuzyan, Bielefeld UniversityMikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Frank Van Lenthe, Erasmus Medical Centre, RotterdamSilvia LoiMPIDR

16:00 - 17:30

Session 24. Consequences of Childhood Family for Adult Life Courses

24-2. Childhood Family Structure and Complexity in Partnership Life Courses • Nicole HiekelMPIDR; Sergi Vidal, Centre for Demographic Studies.

24-3. Parental Socioeconomic Status and Later-Life Earnings: The Role of the Work-Family Life Course • Joanne Sophie Muller, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)Nicole Hiekel, MPIDR; Aart C. Liefbroer, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).

Session 25. Advancements in Mortality Analysis

Chair: Alyson A. van RaalteMPIDR

25-4. Death Expectancy H1 -- An Alternative Measure for Longevity • Niklas Ullrich, University of Rostock; Carl P. Schmertmann, Florida State University; Roland RauUniversity of Rostock / MPIDR.

Session 29. Current Debates Around Retirement and Mortality

29-1. A European Minimum Pension and Mortality Convergence: A Counterfactual Scenario Analysis of Post-2004 Czechia, Estonia, Poland, and Slovenia • Rok Hrzic, Maastricht UniversityDomantas JasilionisMPIDR / Vytautas Magnus University; Vogt Tobias, University of Groningen; Helmut Brand, Maastricht University; Fanny Janssen, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) / University of Groningen.

Session 30. Health, Well-Being and Morbidity

30-3. At the Intersection of Adverse Life Course Pathways: The Effects on Health and Well-Being by Nativity • Silvia Loi and Peng LiMPIDRMikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

30-4. Challenging Prevailing Stereotypes about Gender Differences in Health Reporting: Evidence Using Objective Measures of Health from the Health and Retirement Study • Anna Oksuzyan, Bielefeld UniversityMaciej Jan DańkoMPIDR; Jennifer Caputo, University of Chicago; Mine Kühn and Yana C. VierboomMPIDR.

17:45 - 19:15

P1. Postercafe

P1-12. EU-15 Immigrants Language Integration on Twitter • Beatriz Sofía Gil Clavel, MPIDR; André Grow, University of Leuven (KU Leuven); Maarten J. Bijlsma, 2. Unit PharmacoEpidemiology & PharmacoEconomics (PE2), Department of Pharmacy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

P1-20. Mortality Statistics in Colombia, 1998-2019: An Analysis of Demographic Data Sources. • Liliana Patricia Calderón BernalMPIDR.

P1-36. Assessing the Level of Undercounting in the International Migration Flows Reported by Eurostat • Maciej Jan Dańko and Emanuele Del Fava, MPIDR; Arkadiusz Wisniowski, University of ManchesterEmilio ZagheniMPIDR.

P1-41. Re-Partnering and Single Mothers’ Health and Life Satisfaction Trajectories • Philipp Dierker and Mine KühnMPIDR.

P1-65. Educational Field and Fertility Decline in Finland in 2010–2019 • Julia Hellstrand, University of Helsinki; Jessica Nisén, University of TurkuMikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

P1-68. Digital Gender Gaps on China's Sina Weibo • Ole HexelMPIDR; Wenqing Qian, Fudan UniversityEmilio ZagheniMPIDR; Ridhi Kashyap, University of Oxford; Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research Institute.

P1-93. Diversity of Social Media Use: Self-Selection Effects Explain Associations Between Using Many Platforms and Well-Being • Sophie Lohmann and Emilio ZagheniMPIDR.

P1-110. Pandemic Babies? The Fertility Response to the First Covid-19 Wave Across European Regions • Natalie Nitsche and Aiva JasilionieneMPIDR; Jessica Nisen, University of TurkuPeng Li and (pid=4089 text="Maxi Kniffka"], MPIDR; Gunnar Andersson, Stockholm University; Christos Bagavos, Panteion University; Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton; Ivan Cipin, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business; Susana Clemente, Center of Geographic Studies (CEGUL); Lars Dommermuth, Statistics Norway; Peter Fallesen, Rockwool Foundation; Dovile Galdauskaite, Vilnius University; Mathias Lerch, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); Cadhla McDonnell, Pennsylvania State University; Arno Muller, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Karel Neels, University of Antwerp; Olga Poetzsch, Federal Statistical Office; Diego Ramiro, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); Bernhard Riederer, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/OAW, Univ. Vienna); Saskia te Riele, Statistics Netherlands; Laura Szabó, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Laurent Toulemon, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence; Krystof Zeman, Vienna Institute of Demography; Tina Žnidaršic, Statistical Office of the Republic of SloveniaMikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

P1-132. Fertility Behaviour and Migration: A Comparison Between Urban Refugees and Local Populations • Asli Ebru SanlitürkMPIDR; Leo Azzollin, University of Oxford - Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science; Vytenis Juozas Deimantas, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI); Selin Koksal, Bocconi University.

P1-135. Childcare Policy Reforms: The Dynamic Interplay of Childcare Quality and Availability on Mother’s Employment Re-Entry • Henrik-Alexander Schubert, MPIDR.

P1-137. Health Consequences of Later-life Marital Dissolution: The Role of Marriage Order • Jiaxin Shi, MPIDR.

P1-169. Cultural Similarities Predict Migration over and above Shared Location, Shared Language, and Shared History • Carolina Coimbra Vieira, Sophie Lohmann, and Emilio ZagheniMPIDR.

Freitag, 1. Juli 2022

09:00 - 10:30

Session 35. Modelling Migration, Mobility and Positioning

35-3. Openness to Migrate Internationally for a Job: Evidence from Linkedin Data • Daniela Perrotta, Sarah Johnson, and Tom TheileMPIDR; André Grow, University of Leuven (KU Leuven); Helga A. G. de Valk, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) / KNAW/ University of GroningenEmilio ZagheniMPIDR.

35-4. Stop, in the Name of COVID! • Jordan Klein, Princeton University; Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research InstituteEmilio ZagheniMPIDR.

Session 36. Alcohol, Smoking, and Obesity Attributable Mortality

36-1. Quantifying the Contribution of Smoking to Regional Mortality Disparities in Germany • Pavel Grigoriev and Sebastian Klüsener, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)Alyson A. van RaalteMPIDR.

Session 39. Migrant Populations

39-5. Emigration of Academic Scientists Falls with Development in Low-Income Countries but Rises in Richer Ones • Emilio ZagheniTom TheileAliakbar AkbaritabarMaciej Jan Dańko, and Asli Ebru SanlitürkMPIDR.

Session 40. Mortality in the 19th and 20th Centuries

40-3. Representation Is Crucial for Deriving Inferences from Online Genealogies: Evidence from Lifespan Dynamics • Robert Stelter, University of Basel; Diego Alburez-GutierrezMPIDR.

11:00 - 12:30

Session 47. Educational Attainment and Fertility

47-3. Leadership Skills and Completed Fertility Among Males. A Study Based on Data from Swedish Registries • Steffen PetersMPIDR; Kieron Barclay, Stockholm University.

Session 48. Data and Methods

48-2. Event History Analysis with Two Time Scales. An Application to Transitions from Cohabitation to Marriage or Separation • Angela CarolloMPIDR; Hein Putter, Leiden University Medical Center; Paul Eilers, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam; Jutta GampeMPIDR.

48-3. Alignment, Clocking, and Macro Patterns of Episodes in the Life Course • Timothy Riffe, Ikerbasque & Universidad del Pais VascoAngelo Lorenti and Andrés CastroMPIDR.

14:00 - 15:30

Session 49. Health and Quality of Life of Older People

49-4. Assessing the Burden of Joint Cognitive and Physical Health Impairment in the US, 1998-2016 • Shubhankar Sharma, MPIDR; Jo Mhairi Hale, University of St AndrewsMikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Hill Kulu, University of St Andrews.

Session 50. Union Formation

50-2. Parental Socioeconomic Class and Young Britons' Family Expectations: Do Family Structure and Educational Aspirations, During Adolescence, Mediate This Relationship? • Lydia Veronica PalumboMPIDR; Ann M. Berrington, University of SouthamptonPeter EibichMPIDR.

Session 54.Flash Session: Disparity and Variation in Mortality

Chair: Emilio ZagheniMPIDR

54-2. The Contribution of Childhood Adversity to the Socioeconomic Gradient in Premature Mortality • Josephine Jackisch, Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm UniversityAlyson A. van RaalteMPIDR.

54-3. Measuring Subnational Mortality Differentials: The Italian Case • Isabella MarinettiMPIDR.

54-6. Does Place Matter? Regional Variation in the SES-Mortality Gradient Among Retired German Men • Georg Wenau, MPIDR; Pavel Grigoriev and Sebastian Kluesener, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)Roland RauUniversity of Rostock / MPIDRVladimir M. ShkolnikovMPIDR.

Session 55. Fertility Dynamics in a Comparative Perspective

55-3. Economic Development, Women’s Education, and Their Fertility – a Study Across and Within European Countries • Jessica Nisén, University of Turku; Sebastian Klüsener, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB); Johan Dahlberg, Stockholm University; Lars Dommermuth, Statistics NorwayAiva JasilionieneMPIDR; Michaela Kreyenfeld, Hertie School of Governance; Trude Lappegård, Statistics NorwayPeng LiMPIDR; Pekka Martikainen, University of Helsinki; Karel Neels, University of Antwerp; Bernhard Riederer, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/OAW, Univ. Vienna); Saskia te Riele, Statistics Netherlands; Harun Sulak, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany; Laura Szabó, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Alessandra Trimarchi, University of Vienna; Francisco Viciana, Institute of Statistics and Cartography of AndalusiaMikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Session 56. Mortality and Longevity

56-1. How Many Life Years Have Been Lost because of Covid-19? Years of Life Lost during the Covid-19 Pandemic by Care Status in Sweden • Marcus Ebeling, Karolinska InstitutetEnrique AcostaMPIDR; Anna C. Meyer, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska institutet; Karin Modig, Karolinska Institutet.

56-3. Life Expectancy Losses and Lifespan Disparity During the Pandemic Years 2020-2021 at National and Sub-National Levels: Evidence from Selected Industrialized Countries • Dmitri A. JdanovMPIDR / National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia)Domantas JasilionisMPIDR / Vytautas Magnus University; Nazrul Islam, Oxford University.

56-5. Excess Mortality in Russia and Its Regions Compared to High Income Countries: An Analysis of Monthly Series of 2020-21 • Sergey Timonin, MPIDR / National Research University Higher School of Economics; Ilya Klimkin, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Vladimir M. ShkolnikovMPIDR.

16:00 - 17:30

Session 57. Family Dynamics, Work Conditions and Health

57-4. Mental Health Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Partnership and Parenthood Status in Growing Disparities Between Types of Families. • Nicole Hiekel and Mine KühnMPIDR.

Session 60. Risk Factors and Depression Risk

60-3. The Contribution of Health Behaviors to Depression Risk Across Birth Cohorts • Maria GültzowMPIDR; Maarten J. Bijlsma, 2. Unit PharmacoEpidemiology & PharmacoEconomics (PE2), Department of Pharmacy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands; Frank Van Lenthe, Erasmus Medical Centre, RotterdamMikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Session 62. New Methodological Approaches in Fertility Research

62-1. Combining a Two-Sex Model of Births with Decomposition Methods to Explain Changing Fertility Patterns • Christian DudelMPIDR.

Session 63. New Data Sources on International Migration

63-1. Online Social Integration of Migrants: Evidence from Twitter • Jisu KimMPIDR; Soazic Elise Wang Sonne; Kiran Garimella, MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society; André Grow, University of Leuven (KU Leuven); Ingmar Weber, Qatar Computing Research InstituteEmilio ZagheniMPIDR.

63-3. The Interplay Between Refugee Inflows and Media Coverage in Determining Attitudes Towards Immigrants in Germany • Chia-Jung Tsai, Robert Gordon Rinderknecht, and Emilio ZagheniMPIDR.

63-4. Return Migration in Academia: An Analysis of German-Affiliated Researchers by Gender, Cohort and Discipline Using Scopus Publications 1996-2020 • Xinyi ZhaoMPIDR / University of Oxford; Samin Aref, University of TorontoEmilio ZagheniMPIDR; Guy Stecklov, University of British Columbia.

Samstag, 2. Juli 2022

09:00 - 10:30

Session 66. Drivers of International Migration

66-1. Temperature Extremes, Conflict, and Migration in West Asia and North Africa • Jasmin Abdel GhanyMPIDR.

Session 68. Divorce and children

68-4. Family Transitions and Consequences for Children’s Stress Levels • Pauline Kleinschlömer, University of MannheimMine KühnMPIDR; Lara Bister and Vogt Tobias, University of Groningen; Sandra Krapf, Federal Institute for Population Research.

Session 71. Flash Session: Inequalities in Life Expectancy, Disability and Health

71-6. Life Course Mental and Physical Health of East and West German Cohorts Born Before and After the German Reunification • Vogt Tobias and Lara Bister, University Of GroningenMine Kühn, MPIDR.

Session 72. International Perspectives on Mortality

Chair: Enrique AcostaMPIDR.

72-1. When Do Parents Bury a Child? Uncertainty of Offspring Loss across the Demographic Transition • Diego Alburez-GutierrezUgofilippo Basellini, and Emilio ZagheniMPIDR.

72-2. Intersecting Gender, Racial, and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Multimorbid Life Expectancy in South Africa: A Multistate Modelling Approach • Anastasia Lam and Katherine Keenan, University of St AndrewsMikko MyrskyläMPIDR / London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Hill Kulu, University of St Andrews.

11:00 - 12:30

Session 74. Environmental Impacts on Health

74-2. Race Disparities in Temperature Related Deaths in the U.S. • Risto Conte Keivabu, European University InsituteUgofilippo Basellini and Emilio ZagheniMPIDR.

Session 78. Improvements in Forecasting Methods

78-1. Lee-Carter Cohort Mortality Forecasts • Ugofilippo BaselliniMPIDR; Carlo Giovanni G. Camarda, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).

78-3. Ex-Post Evaluation of COVID-19 Mortality Forecast Models • Ricarda Duerst and Christina Bohk-Ewald, MPIDR.


Leiterin des Arbeitsbereichs Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Publikationen

Silvia Leek


+49 381 2081-143

Redakteurin Wissenschaftskommunikation

Silke Schulz


+49 381 2081-153

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Zur Startseite

Das Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung (MPIDR) in Rostock ist eines der international führenden Zentren für Bevölkerungswissenschaft. Es gehört zur Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, einer der weltweit renommiertesten Forschungsgemeinschaften.